Shaman will NEVER get a tank spec

Look. We get it. A Shaman Tanking spec sounds awesome. It will never happen.

Why, you might ask?

Because if Shaman could tank, there would be absolutely no reason to play a Druid. Shaman already have a better melee spec, a better DPS caster spec, and a better healing spec. If you guys could also tank, it would be fun, exciting, flashy, and not boring. It would be too much. The Awesome would get so concentrated into a single class the only non Shaman players would all be Hunters and Ret Paladins.

Sorry to have to be so blunt about it. It would be too much.


Firstly, we don’t need that kind of negativity around these parts pal.

Secondly, druids are tied for 1st place for most popular class, and I highly doubt it’s because of bear form.

Thirdly, shaman tank makes the most sense of becoming a tank out of all the current classes that don’t have a tank spec.

Fourth, people have been asking for shaman tanks since forever. It would make a large number of shaman players extremely happy.

Wow can always use more tanks.


It was entirely positivititty I promise you.

Gonna bookmark this thread for when shaman eventually get a tank spec :wink:.


Funny, I can’t recall the last time I saw a Druid tank, yet I’ve seen plenty of Druids. Kind of breaks your point.


That’s very fair. I’d love a tank spec, but yeah, it’d be weird to just like, be the best at everything.

But still I’d love that tank spec tho.


LOL - Flagged because a tongue in cheek post about how much fun Shaman being able to tank would be got declared as Trolling. Nobody was trolling anything. People suck.


I hope they don’t
They’ve been historically bad with balancing Shamans I don’t want a 4th spec for them to ungabunga mindlessly.

Tank spec or not, balancing problems will always exist. Since that’s the case, why not give players new classes/specs? Else, we’d never get anything new.


Because the only class they want to have 4 specs is the only class they care about Druid.

Hey now, we’ll still need mages too. Being a resto shaman is thirsty work.

Just an fyi, that wasn’t me. I could tell you were laying praise on shamans. We are the superior class. I preferred when hardly anyone played them, I’d rather they never be fotm to keep it a good class.

I agree with this - one of the reasons I started playing Shaman so many years ago was because nobody played them because people thought they sucked. I’m a bit biased but I do agree with OP that Shamans are one of the more satisfying and flashier classes that exist and a tank spec would immediately draw a solid initial interest. Save the date for 11.1.7 - I think this is the most likely time for Blizz to release the spec if it happens.

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I didn’t figure it was. It was just some random person who got triggered by the title, which, honestly was just clickbait. Shaman are my ole reliable. I love the class and theme. They’re always fun, even when bad. I don’t try to push elite content, so it never matters to me if they’re the meta-fomo-apex class or whatever the hip new term is this decade.

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**Cries in bear

We got ugly flying lizards … I don’t see why shaman tank isn’t possible.



Exactly! We got some trashcan, idiot class/race (Lizards) to appease…someone, somewhere? If Blizzard will introduce these moronic things then surely they can add something that has value like an Earth Warden Shaman spec.

what ?

srsly…whatah ???