The Unity Enlightened Legendary is not working for shamans with the Night Fae and Bastion effects, still works with Necrolord and Venthyr ones.
The effect still works as a Shadowlands-Crafted Legendary, the problems seems to be with the Enlighened version.
What worked:
- Using the Shadowlands-Crafted version of Seeds of Rampart Growth
- Using Enlightened Unity as Venthyr
- Using Enlightened Unity as Necrolord
What didn’t work:
- Using Enlightened Clasp of Unity as Night Fae
- Using Enlightened Clasp of Unity as Kyrian
- Using Enlightened Unity Crafted Ring as Night Fae
- Using Enlightened Unity Crafted Ring as Kyrian
Will echo this for my Druid. I made a 291 Unity belt, but it seems to do nothing. It’s most notable as the CD on convoke remains 2m but I’m not convinced it’s doing anything at all. Is this an issue with the crafted rather than quest-reward belt?
For the record I’ve tried relogging multiple times, equipping and unequipping it, etc. Makes no difference if it’s the only legendary I’m wearing. Doesn’t seem to do anything.
In any case, I’d love to know if there is something I’m missing, or if there is genuinely a bug here that hopefully will get fixed quickly.
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I made it work, when the Equipment Manager changed my set, it equiped both Shadowlands-Crafted covenant legendary and Unity, with both having the same effect the game kinda tilted.
I unequipped all leggos, relogged and equipped it back again and it worked.
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For me, the Clasp of Unity won’t give me Riptide or put Flame Shock on my targets.
This solved it for me! Thank you!
this didnt work for me
i am venthyr with the tidal core and unity and it the unity just doesnt work
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Turns out, all I needed to do to fix it was log out and back in to fix it.
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Having an issue with Unity as well. 291 helm and belt both aren’t extending Sinful Brand duration.
Was working fine yesterday, switched to Kyrian for tanking this evening and that worked fine, but when I switched back to Venthyr it isn’t working. Have logged out, exited the game, switched legendaries, removed both and replaced, and none of these worked.
Ran the old Agony Gaze legendary and that worked. Re-equipped Unity helm, and then it finally worked. No logging out between Agony Gaze legs and swapping to Unity helm.
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Also running into the issue. The issue appears to happen when changing gear / putting on the unity item. If you log out in a rested area and then log back in, that appears to be resolve the issue. Or at least what seams to work for me at the moment.
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Ran into the issue again. Different fix worked for me this time, so doesn’t seem to have a consistent fix. Also happened mid key, so there were no changes to gear/talents.
Please fix this it’s incredibly annoying