Shaman totem names, nameplates

Is there a macro or script to show the names of shaman totems? I know you can go into the user interface options, but those options will force you to see all sorts of names and nameplates you do not want to see like pets, npcs, etc…

I’m using this macro below, but it only shows the nameplates of totems. I have to click on the totem to see the name. Anyway to get the name to show up whether I click on it or not?

/script SetCVar(“nameplateShowEnemyTotemNames”, “1”)
/script SetCVar(“nameplateShowFriendlyTotemNames”, “1”)

You’ll need to change your name settings as well. Not sure what the CVar is off the top of my head but I’m sure you can find it in AdvancedInterfaceOptions.

These aren’t actual cvars. The 4 cvars related to totem nameplates are


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Nice… those seemed to work. Now I got the name and nameplate on totems without needing to turn it on for minions.