Shaman Tier Set Bonuses!

It’s actually not. It’s an RNG reduction, so your raid leader can’t assign based on specific mechanics because it simply might not be up. If they assign to a 2 minute raid damage, but you haven’t reduced the CD enough then it’s absolutely useless. So it will remain assigned at 3 minute intervals.

Also, the healing of chain heal has never been the issue. It’s the crazy mana cost, so even if reducing the CD of SLT is super powerful you’ll never press it anyway because to reduce it that much you’d be OOM a third of the way through the fight.

Not only that, it would require a stacked fight. If your raid is spread, this will once again be very bad. There isn’t really a situation in which this tier sets is even remotely useful unless they significantly reduce the mana cost of chain heal


i agree. but there were fights in CN where it was crazy powerful.

i dont agree that it will remain a 3 minute CD, unless youve done the math taking crit chance with the buffs in place… its probably going to be substantially less.

Hungering Destroyer’s Consume is 1:30 apart. Assuming a 60% crit chance with the 2 piece, your chain heal would have shaved an average of roughly 5 seconds on SLT per cast. That means that you have to cast 18 chain heals in that 1:30 duration. For reference, many top shams will typically cast less than that in entire fights.

18 chain heals over 1:30. Assuming a 2.2 cast speed (~10% ish haste) with ~60% crit (30% base + 2 piece set), you regenerate 1200 mana per cast (300 mana avg from resurgence plus 2.2 seconds of base mana regen). Meaning it will cost you 18 * (3k mana cost – 1200 mana regen per cast) = 32,400 mana to keep this pace. This isn’t even factoring in the other spells you’d need to cast over that duration.

Also, that means you will have to spend roughly (2.2 sec per cast * 18 casts / 90 seconds to cast 18 chain heals =) 45% of that 1:30 standing still hardcasting chain heal.

So basically, you will be OOM before second consume cast assuming you spend mana on more than just chain heal. It is a 100% garbage set piece.

Now, I do remember a specific push timing on Council where if you used healing CDs for the first set of dancing fever, you’d have like ~30 seconds left before 3 minutes come up again. But consistency is key in progression, and gambling that your 3 minute will be up every single time is a horrible play from a raid leading perspective, especially when you have an array of other raid CDs at your disposal. This set bonus needs to be reworked not only because it is too niche to be very useful in raids, but also borderline useless in every other type of content.


I was hoping for radius increase on Healing Rain for the 2pc and radius increase Spirit Link on 4pc
Or something like reduce Riptide CD by 1.5 sec or allow an extra charge

hmmm if thats accurate then okay.

I can confirm it is accurate.

Also, we can’t forget that all the other healers on your team also have raid CDs. So a lot of the time it’ll just be overlap anyway

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It’s strong enough that you can game it. You’re going to easily bring it down to a 2minute cooldown, so you can plan around that every time. If you build around it, you could probably get it lower too but 2min seems reasonable enough to plan around.

If chain heal always hits 5 targets, at 20% crit it would take 12 chain heals to reduce the CD of spirit link to 2 mins.

Casting 12 chain heals to reduce spirit link from 3 to 2 is not the move. Just use another healers raid CD or rally or AMZ

is that 12 chain haels back to back to back to back… or is that 12 chain heals spaced over the next minute? cuz 12 chain heals is not that much mana… even going back to back to back to back to back it only burns ~45% mana over 30seconds.

wait. chain heal is barely more expensive than healing rain or healing surge. what are yall on about mana problems.

12 chain heals over 2 mins is atrocious. You want as close to 0 as you can get.

You rarely cast healing surge either because it costs too much, healing wave is the primary casted heal. Healing rain also has a CD, does more healing and passively feeds cloudburst. You’re not going to miss a healing rain so casting both healing rain + chain heal is where you start to oom.

im losing alot of faith in you.

How so? 10

Honestly, at first glance, I wasn’t too fond of the Enhancement tier set bonuses, but over time I have become fairly happy with them. I love Stormstrike and am not fond of Lava Lash, so more focus on that is a positive in my eyes since we might end up moving away from Hot Hand (which doesn’t feel great with its RNG being so impactful when it doesn’t proc).

It’s kind of sad though because 9.1.5 made it easy for us to swap covenants and now it is looking like we are going to be stuck with Night Fae to maximize our output. Getting more wolves out benefits the 4-set bonus, and Night Fae’s legendary is the only legendary which affects one of our class abilities which just happens to be the wolves. Even if the set bonus didn’t favor Night Fae, we’d probably still be soft-locked into playing Night Fae because the other covenant legendaries just can’t compare.

But with a few changes, the set bonus has the potential to be great. Mainly if we get Alpha Wolf to be baked into Feral Spirits so they can cleave, maybe have Feral Spirits and Stormstrike do a bit more damage.

But more importantly, we need Stormstrike charges. When wolves are out we are going to get fairly frequent resets on Stormstrike. With enough wolves out, it might feel like we are spamming Stormstrike Legion-style. For that to feel good, we need Stormbringer to grant a charge of Stormstrike, not refresh the cooldown.

If other legendaries are tuned, Deeply Rooted Elements could actually see some play. Legacy of the Frost Witch is sadly just too weak, and with it also resetting the cooldown of Stormstrike we will probably loose quite a few resets if we were to use it.

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I am probably just jaded at this point but willing to wait to see it on the PTR as I could just as easily see zero interaction with the baseline Feral Spirit ability (i.e. the 4 piece bonus only works with the 2 piece wolf) in the name of offering “player choice”.

I am not a huge fan of Stormstrike spam, but I do firmly agree with temporary charges on Stormbringer procs (and to a lesser extent Ice Strike shock resets) because nothing is more annoying than seeing Stormbringer proc at 0.5s cooldown remaining. From a spec mechanics perspective that focuses on time as a resource to manage, being “punished” by bad luck with a proc near the end of cooldown is just backwards and outdated IMO; they already do this with Shadow Priest’s Dark Thought.

I wonder if they can work a 2s Mana Tide cooldown in there as well. Then you’d have a lot of synergy with Spiritwalker’s Tidal Totem while keeping the two sync’d; 40% less cost plus Mana Tides ~6.4% and you can probably churn out 6-10 chain heals in that 10 second window with the reduced cast time to respond to Spirit Link’s health balancing. Obviously you can do this anyways, but having the two sync’d is nice.

Also, while the cooldowns are going to get out of sync, Innervate is a thing if coordinated for maybe every other use (for example every 2 minutes for the following: Spirit Link / Mana Tide / Innervate, Spirit Link / group effort, Spirit Link / Mana Tide / Innervate)

I do not like tier set bonus for elem. Especially reduce the cooldown after spending maelstrom if fire elem is on cooldown. So I just do not understand should I spend maelstrom or should I keep it until my fire elemental expired but what if I was lucky enough too keep my elemental alive until it’s cooldown so I’m loosing set bonus in such situations or whatever. I checked other classes specs and they do not have such problem. I want it to be removed and given something different coz if you start thinking about this mechanic is bad design

The 10 second reduction is the lesser part of the 4pc. You will be able to maintain 95% uptime on fire ele so it’s pretty null. The important part of the set is the 1.5s extension when casting lava burst

Yes I do not like that part and I want it to be changed because it is a bad design and other classes sets are better. Rogues and others gonna destroy us in arena. People just gonna kill the stupid fire elem in 2 secs and what we get? Right 20% chance “Chance” to reduce it cooldown for 10 sec. It is enough rng for elem. Maybe please give us something without rng?

Niche case I haven’t looked into or really expect to to crop up too much, but does the warlock banish cancel all active elemental buffs?

I don’t think people will waste 80k damage to kill an elemental totem. Banish might be more likely but I don’t think you lose buffs for it. It’ll be interesting to see in practice but currently Earth Ele still dies his earth quake aoe while banished.

Can’t activate wall or stun while earth ele is banished by passive earthquake keeps quaking