Shaman Tanks Karazhan 11/11 World First

Reminds me of the all-Ret Paladin run we did when patch 3.0 hit (so Wrath talents, buts till lvl 70 cap).

So many Divine Storms… @_@

I mean, if they can tank Nightbane, they can probably tank Gruul to a certain point also. Nightbane swings.


I think it’s his threat gen that’s the actual issue. Looked bad from what I watched.

Shamans tanking anything makes people genuinely MAD, it’s hilarious.


Jesus christ. 30 seconds into the video and I’m already annoyed by it LOL

Yep can’t finish. He’s opened the character screen 50 times already.


(insert jaded, fun-hating comment here)


by phase 5 we’ll be seeing cat form tanks at this rate

He was taking 8-9k normal hits from nightbane, that’s ridiculous. His healers carried him while he barely managed to hold threat.


Let’s see Paul Allen’s card

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Shaman tanking kept showing up through ICC in WoTLK and that’s when players were objectively worse than we are now.

I don’t really put anything past the Classic playerbase for being able to accomplish something just to say they did.

To be fair I pulled threat on 3 bosses as a shadow priest last night and tanked them all without dying from around 50%. Does that mean priests can tank too?

Just cause you don’t die doesn’t mean you are a tank.


Pally tank can’t even hold threat off my lock this must have been cringe to run.

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You sound like an exceptionally bad warlock then


I can’t find the log, but the kill was less than 7 minutes, not even that slow really. Certainly needed very good healing when he’s taking 10k crushing blows but I’ve seen tanks of all classes die in one global.


C tier guild. Mostly bad players. S tier guilds would make this look like a joke by comparison if they attempted it. But they have little reason to try. Because it’s a gimmick.


So many comments saying “This isn’t effecient, he’s getting carried and holding his raid back”

Well duh it’s not efficient it’s just someone trying to post a fun video of a guild just messing around.


I’m with the people who say why does anyone have a problem with this as long as the group was having fun?

Maybe putting “World First” in the title was the problem (I doubt it was world first esp if it was done in original TBC).

Otherwise if they were enjoying themselves with their challenge they made that’s all that matters. It doesn’t matter if it’s a gimmick. It doesn’t matter if the shammy got carried as long as the 9 other people were ok with it.

Did you all say the same stuff about the 40 man shaman MC clears?

Believe it or not people don’t have to be cookie cutters and only have fun the normal way and believe it or not being creative isn’t a bad thing.


Yeah, the click bait wasn’t necessary. It was a cool video to watch. Props to these guys for accomplishing something some guilds would never bother to because said guilds are too sweaty to have fun.

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I don’t see the issue here. They wanted to do this, have some fun and extra challenge.

What I do find funny is all the people getting upset over the fact people did this. How does what their guild do in a kara run affect you? Why does this make you mad?


There’s actually somewhat of an argument for this.

We stack agility for damage and we do insane base threat because our damage has stupid threat co-efficients across the board. We have a talent that increases cat dodge and bear tanks are even popular in sunwell and needed a zone-wide nerf because they could dodge nearly everything.

This means there’s a realistic scenario in which we could build as a dodge tank and keep aggro relatively alright (though not being able to shred would hurt the TPS rotation) as a cat.

A rogue fully dodge tanked gruul back in actual TBC, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility.

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