Shaman Tanks in WotLK

From my limited knowledge I think this guy has a massive ego, at least that’s how it comes across to me.

The guy died how many times? I lost count.

So yeah, it can be done… but please count me out.

Yeah, me too.

What about the warrior tank who died a good few seconds before the shaman tank? The pally tank who was also in dire need of a heal? In fact I don’t see anyone there with low health except the tanks.

You mean the warrior that was already holding several mobs and the shaman went beyond his capacity of tanking (0) and pulled more mobs onto him? I mean, we’re talking about SWP trash mobs, even with WoTLK pre-patch and SWP BiS, pulling 2 groups like this on top of a Prot warrior is still a death.

So, the shaman not only weren’t able to tank the mobs he pulled but also couldn’t hold the threat. Oh wait. they’re the same. Tanking means surviving and holding threat, which shaman can’t do.

They got no heals.

If you’re diverting heals away from the tanks, like standing in the fire or having a shaman pull aggro with no means of absorbing the hits… bad things are going to start rolling downhill fast.

The shaman tank didn’t get heals either. I am not sure how much clearer I have to make “no heals”. I don’t know where the heals went, but it wasn’t the tanks.

Not trying to dispute you… the guy died like, 8 times. Did he get no heals on any of those pulls? I only skimmed through it.

I am just watching the timestamp that person posted. I think a druid got a heal, but other than that I didn’t see anyone get heals. I don’t know if all the healers were silenced or what, I don’t remember those trash packs, but there was no heals.

Pretty sure there’s no silences in those packs but I do recall a fear?

Well people don’t think like you clearly.

You don’t HAVE to do anything. Don’t want to be in a group with a shaman tank? Don’t.

Some people like to play the game for fun and spice things up. It’s brain dead in difficulty anyways.

Lets see a video then. I would love it.

Shamans have never been a tank, no matter how badly they want that to be a thing, they’re a gimmick with no redeeming value except as a meme.

A shaman tanking is equivalent to tanking with a hunter pet. Can it be done? Sure. Is it a detriment to the group’s performance? Absolutely.

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Do you have any videos?

How is group performance measured in a video game as well? Particularly when it comes to enjoyment?

True. 14 year old game mechanics are really hard.

Wow. Almost like you handpicked a video showing a bad player being a bad player.

Let me hear the reasons why this video isn’t a shaman tanking.

Those packs didn’t have any aoe but a root from Arcane Mages.

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