Shaman Tank Spec?!

Would you like to see it?


More tanks in general would not be a bad thing. I support class diversity. I’ve always enjoyed the idea that was kicked around here for the Earth Warden and would play one if it came about.



10 char


I would like to see shaman tanks. Shaman feel kind of incomplete at the moment. They have 4 elements but only 3 specs that focus on a particular element. Having a spec for each element would be aesthetically pleasing. Specs would not be limited to an element but their main skills would be of that element i.e. resto healing spells are water based but they can still use lightning bolt if they want to, it’s just not part of their primary job.

Tank = Earth
Healer = Water
RDPS = Air/Lightning
MDPS = Fire

Currently elemental is more fire themed and enhancement is more air themed but I can dream.


Shamans were originally meant to be able to tank. They had an ability that increased their threat generation and a taunt all the way up through Cata, maybe longer but I skipped MoP. The problem is that was all they had. No active mitigation or any other necessary tools to pull off tanking like instant aoe’s.

I think it would be fine. More tank options is never bad.


This is exactly what I’m saying. How can more tank options hurt? Let them flesh it out and make it a reality

This has been beat to death.


Aaaand it will continue to be best too.i death until this is a reality once again.

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Would I like to see it? Sure, why not? And if it happens, then nice, I have another spec to dink around with. Would I vote for it to be made a priority because it’s needed (for lore or gameplay reasons)? Nah…

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Fair enough. Good logic

Yes, bring shammy tanks back!


let it go. How many posts are you going to make about this?


Endless. Earth Wardens will be realized.


I’d argue Bofur is potentially violating the code of conduct. We get it man, you want a new tank spec. I don’t even have to scroll down to see several threads where you spam “we want 4th spec”. Back in 2006 your shaman tanked a few 5 mans because a real tank wasn’t available. No one used shamans to tank raids, or any “real” content back then, yet it feels like I can’t read a thread where you don’t chime in “EARTH WARDEN”.

I’d rather Blizzard implement the ability to ignore forum users, rather than shaman tank specs. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Wow could you kids cry to your mommies a little harder? If you dont want it it let it go. Ignore it. Though me and the rest of the shamans who would love to see a tank spec do greatly appreciate the unintentional bump that your tears provide.


The funny thing is I actually support the idea conceptually. What I don’t support is Bofur’s incessant spamming about it, particularly in threads that are unrelated.

I hardly think that qualifies as “tears” because some of us find his posting pattern absurd.

edit: Here’s an example: In a thread about Bloodlust, he somehow finds it appropriate to bring it up.


Alright, first of all, I would say I’m pretty ignorant to the rules. Learning that there were rules beyond the basics is new to me!

2nd of all, please explain to me how many times I can promote this desire that is/has been mirrored in the community for years. You’re ire is unnecessary.

3rd of all I’m not bumping all these posts all the time. What if the community is gravitating to these and wants to be heard. I have been showing seeds. I dont understand why I cant promote this. If there’s is some obscure regulation that I need to abide by then please, direct me to the source.

If you agree conceptually, then Quit. Coming. At
Me. Support. It.


The irony is just unbelieveable.:thinking:

Thanks for the info. Im gonna keep talking about something in world of warcraft that interests me. You do you.

As for the duplicates. There are two… one was made forever ago and I thought was dead so I made another one. Someone I suppose found the original and it resurfaced. I take that as inspiration to continue.

If you feel the need to report this, lol, then do it. I could not care less. Let blizz interpret those obscure set of rules you found. How many of the same posts is too many? What’s the timeline? Do you have one shot to make a claim and then that’s it forever? Is it a month? Do you have to delete the first one? Do I have to touch base with every fact/rule checker if it’s ok to say what I want?

Earth Wardens are a great idea. I will continue to build support and when it’s in the game I hope you report me because you’ll be seeing it everytime you log in and not just on the forums.