Shaman Spectral Lupine animation broken

Hi, the running animation in spectral lupine form appears to be dropping a frame or two, resulting in a “hitch” in the animation. Started with one of the last patches.


I just got the glyph and am also having a weird animation issue.

I am also getting this issue. Spectral Vulpine works just fine, Lupine has really weird hitches/awkward running animation

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Same issue here. Just got the glyph today.


Animation is still broken :frowning:

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Noticing the same here. Still an issue.

I have noticed during a follower dungeon or a quest or something I no longer had the spectral lupine form, but that my form copied the generic hunter pet that happened to be the accompanying NPC. I didn’t think much of it at the time due to having swapped from elemental to resto. Maybe there is some buggy stuff with wolf form?

Aw. I just spent 500g for a broken running animation. I’m having the same problem :frowning:

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Same issue almost a month later.

We get that you are understaffed and tried to remove the human element from a game that is propped up by humans.

But this should already be fixed for such a minor bug.

9/27/24 - still a problem


Just bought the glyph today, still happening.


Same, hitched animation as of today. Interestingly, the heartbond lupine mount experiences the same problem - but only when running on the ground. The animation when it is flying (“running” through the air) is fluid.

Fixed in today’s patch!