Shaman PvP

I am really enjoying PvP in all of it’s forms this expansion.

I was just wanted to know what macros and weakauras people find most helpful.

I have a castsequence macro for totems and totemic recall that I am working on and some help/harm buttons to double up.

What’s a good macro for me to always cast healing wave on myself without dropping target?

I use to do it with shift+healing wave as a self cast, but I can’t use the shift key for that purpose anymore.

I just want to set a one touch button where I always cast healing wave as a self cast. Almost like casting a buff, exactly like Stormkeeper. Also, I don’t want to drop my target or focus target by self casting.

Beyond that, I’d love to get suggestions for weakauras and nameplates.

#showtooltip healing wave
/cast [@self] Healing wave

I believe that is correct

Aside from help/harm stuff, here’s some maybe useful macros:

Ping your Earthen totem and give it a world marker:
#showtooltip earthen wall totem
/wm [@cursor] 1
/cast earthen wall totem

Macro for both Purge and Greater Purge. Greater Purge is almost always better, but this is still nice to have.
/cast [harm, known: purge] purge; [harm, known: greater purge] greater purge; purify spirit
Note: You can replace the Purify Spirit at the end with any friendly spell.

Cast Spirit Link directly on yourself, useful for needing to drop link very quickly and a teammate is already with you. I also have a similar macro for Earthen.
/cast [@player] spirit link totem

Single button for Gust of Wind and Spirit Walk:
/cast [known: gust of wind] gust of wind; spirit walk

Smart Chain Lightning/Chain Heal macro which switches to Lightning Bolt if Chain Lightning is not specced:
/cast [harm, known: chain lightning] chain lightning; [harm] lightning bolt; chain heal

I think gust of wind and spirit walk dynamically changes based on choice now.

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Awesome thank you all, I really appreciate it Aigar and Okie :slightly_smiling_face: