What is the ability Shamans have to pushback opponents in PVP? I play a rogue and don’t have any experience playing shammy at all. But last night in Eye of the Storm there was a shammy basically yeeting people off cliffs in the Eye of the Storm battleground. Often. No idea what does that, or how to counter it, except maybe to not go anywhere near a shammy when they are next to a cliff. Insights, thoughts, strategies, advice appreciated.
Keep a charge of shadowstep ready for when they do it.
They have two ways to knockback.
both with 30 sec cooldowns.
So the takeaway is that a shaman can pretty much always yeet you off the edge whenever they feel like it lol be careful near edges with a blue bar is present
Also, fun thing to keep in mind. With the Traveling Storms PvP talent, the shaman can just cast thunderstorm on a team mate so you’re never really safe. I was running BGs a while back and had my friend on a DK just grip people, then I cast thunderstorm on him lol.
I stg eots was so much more fun last xpac
Thunderstorm, unleash shield and pest fogger (consumable that any class can use).
As a rogue, conserve your shadowstep charges for knockbacks when in EOTS.
Wow, Blizzard really decided to give the middle finger to Priest. Removed our Shining Force knockback and then decided, “Y’know what would be a good idea? Let’s give the cast on allies effect from Shining Force to Shamans as a new PvP talent!”
tbf, shaman was the original class with a knock back. Seems right that they should have one of the best ones.
Doesn’t mean they need to remove ours. They also gave a knockback to mages after removing ours.
A lot of classes have gained and lost things over the years.
Traveling Storms was put in before shining force was taken away I think . No connection between the 2
rogue has the most ways to counter knock backs. some of the other ways are outside of your tool kit that can be created to counter knock backs.