I cant post videos on here but there was a video last night of all top elementals playing and laughing at how bad it was. Check YouTube… It was comical if you don’t play ELe lol.
They were comparing stats and it either is the biggest blunder in wow class history, or complete ineptness.
They couldnt bring any class under 55% with full blown CDs… DK lost 10%, lock lost like 30%
It’s insane that this hasnt been changed at all. Atleast make the ability hit hard like it does on enh or just revert the chanfe until you can think of something better. How does a 30s cd do less dam then a generator lol
Primordial Wave rework is bad but Enhancement doesn’t have to deal with that. Enhancement has three easy ways to spread Flame Shock so they can press Pwave. We don’t care about Pwave issues because Pstorm is so worth it. Pstorm is easily Enhancement’s best talent in the whole tree and Pstorm is fun to press. Blizzard basically copies and pastes Pwave + Pstorm except they don’t implement pstorm for Elemental.
this my biggest issue, we have no easy way to spread flame shocks anymore to the point that we don’t even bother using flame shock in AOE at all anymore.
The “rework” just took talent options away from us in a negative way instead of doing anything positive for the spec.
Along with losing Ancestral Guidance they could’ve stated they wanted to just nerf us, because that’s all we got from this patch.
I’ve already emphasised in the thread it’s mostly with elemental
Albeit as stated, there’s some resto sham who enjoyed it – but yeah, as for the basis of the spell & how it worked before — It’s far more crucial to the elemental spec overall.
god, the bloat is right
I’ve loved my shammy since tbc, all 3 specs, but haven’t played it as much the last 10 years because of the button bloat. Got her up to 80 the other day as enhance but my dps was terrible (thank you timewalk scaling!) so i went to icyveins to see the latest rotations and spec, and it’s using 10+ buttons in less than 30 seconds, and you have to do them very quickly and in specific orders, ugh. I miss the wrath playstyle.
So I went ele for the first time in a while, get to cut out maybe 2 buttons from my bars and make it a little easier on my fingers and brain, so we’ll see how it goes
it’s like my rogue having 2 short-term buffs (slicedice and rollbones), or my spriest having 3 similar weird aoe spells
I feel like Blizzard should take into consideration the aspect of ‘Fun’ – When designing, or REDESIGNING classes and take into deeper consideration of such notions into ALL specs of whatever class they’re addressing.
As per this thread, for the Undermine(d) changes for example – When Blizzard redesigned the ‘Primordial Wave’ spell for shaman.
Whilst this change was decent & welcome for Enhancement,
it was disgusting & corrosive to Elemental spec.
And yet despite the tremendous backlash from the playerbase & shaman, both on the shaman forums and even this megathread on general discussion - There’s not been a single response from Blizzard … It’s rather insulting, if I’m being honest.
If there was a late response? I’d nod in acceptance but still be grateful.
However as it stands, from one like myself who mained elemental? I don’t really want to play shaman anymore … Yes I understand it’s “Just a single spell” and there was later tuning that made the spec “Optimal” — but the overall point is that it doesn’t have that same flare of “Fun” that it use to hold for myself & so many others.
I think we could solve many problems of losing AG and Prim wave changes with 1 solution, give ele Chain Harvest from Shadowlands Chain Harvest - Spell - World of Warcraft instead of AG.
Even if they give us a nerfed version in some form just keep the spell functionality.
It would even fit as a node right below chain heal on the shaman talent tree, so specs more than just resto pick that talent.
This would be an active button that is pressed to DPS or heal. (Make sure it is the old legendary version that spreads flame shocks/riptides.) Elemental Conduit - Spell - World of Warcraft
This could work as a spread flame shock button to make prim wave feel less bad because we could spread 6 flame shocks fast, fix our offheal loss from AG, and not be a passive way to heal but an active choice to use to fit the situation whether you want to spread flame shocks or offheal group.
This would even help alleviate the issue of Resto Shaman DPS in M+ because of the instant flame shock spreads.
Give it like a 2 min Cooldown like old AG had and let flame shock crits/chain harvest crits reduce it’s CD (within a reasonable amount) like it used to.
I know it’s copium, but I think it could mitigate a good amount of issues we have in PVE. (for ele/resto).
PWave is not a relic for Enhancement. PWave rework is bad but PStorm is 100000% worth it.
PStorm offers a new playstyle flavour, more MSW generation and solves many problems. PStorm is probably the top damage in DPS overall for M+ because PStorm interaction with weapon imbuements, Doom Winds and Mastery. Enhancement can’t play without PStorm.
Unfortunately, Blizzard copied and pasted PWave/PStorm into Elemental except they deleted PStorm and put them into Elemental. That’s why PWave is so bad for Elemental.
Like I’ve said before, it’s less about the scaling of damage and more about the playstyle:
When someone’s class / spec feels fluent and enjoyable to play, naturally people are going to enjoy the game more.
If it’s clunky yet strong, sure it can be “Fun” when stuff melts but it’s going to kind of feel like a CHORE at the same time — which is the last thing this game needs …
For most – The Season 1’s variation of Primordial Wave for elemental felt like a great way for spreading flame-shock, whilst also getting the proc for lava-burst at the same time with no “Extra-step”
Honestly, even if they renamed Elemental’s Primordial Wave to “Primordial BLAST” – So there’s no confusion and they’re dubbed as two different spells, so enhance can have one and elemental has the other → would be a decent compromise to the situation.