You only get one boost, returning after a very long break from retail and id like to get into classic a little bit. I was thinking a Warrior for battlegrounds and to tank stuff in PvE or an enhancement shaman for BGs and to heal in PvE. Really afraid to make a mistake and boost the wrong character then be stuck leveling from 0, what are your thoughts and opinions ? please any advice appreciated.
If you have to boost, probably warrior. Worse early game, especially if you don’t twink it out.
(edited because for some reason I initially thought this was retail gen.)
Agree with Rashiko. Different boats for different goats and all but levelling a warrior in Classic is pretty tedious. So if it’s about bang for buck then warrior is a good choice.
Ultimately, you should choose whichever class you’re going to have the most fun with. Maybe try level both to 20, see which one you enjoy more, and then boost that one to 58.
PS: Should move this thread to TBC Forums.
If it’s TBC Classic (which AFAIK is the only Classic version with a boost), then shaman is a very sought after class for raids, as you want one in each group. Whereas, warriors are sort of meh… though with Armor Pen coming soon, they may be more desired in later phases than they are now.
Have a look at the guild recruitment forums for Classic and see whether shaman or warrior makes sense to you:
Of course, if you’re not focused on end-game raiding, or don’t prioritize finding a group that will help you get attunements/gear to catch up asap then it might not matter as much.
People say that, but I don’t find it to be the case. Of course, I prefer dungeon leveling to questing, so my point of reference may be different from yours.
I agree with this, too. But also, I’d point out that 58-70 is probably more of a journey than 1-58 anyway, so maybe don’t worry so much about the boost.
Levelling experience is subjective but I do think that warriors are objectively the most difficult class to level if you don’t adequately prepare. The reliance upon itemisation will literally get you killed if you don’t have a means to procure good gear and consumables.
Shaman are way more fun if ya know what ur doing… 30/0/21 1h/shield and blast them fools… warriors need help from healers to shine which btw u ain’t gonna have 1 everygame… shaman can heal themselves.
You can’t boost in classic. But regarding the class choice, I’d go with shaman. I regret not doing it back in classic. Warrior is definitely the better choice in any aspect of the game (arms for BGs, fury for raids, prot for tanking), but consider these other perks. Enhancement shaman doesn’t compete with 10-15 other warriors for a raid slot. You get to walk right in as what is most likely the only enhancement shaman around. Raids are happy to have you swing a nightfall, something shamans do really well (especially as orc for axe bonus). All the warriors you’d otherwise be competing against will now love you thanks to windfury totem. A raid would rather have 4 war 1 shm than 5 war. You also get to enjoy a 2 for 1 build, no need to flip arms/fury if you want to enjoy BGs too. Really the biggest downside to shaman is that you can’t tank your dungeon runs as well as warrior. It can be done well enough if you spec into it but you better get used to buying water.
They’re not terribly difficult nor terribly slow to level.
Relative to other classes, they definitely are.
You’ll hit like a wet noodle if you don’t upgrade your gear regularly. Other classes (particularly casters) can easily get by with dated gear from 10 levels ago.
Likewise, you have no real “ohshi-” buttons when things get ugly (except one on a 3m cooldown and another on a 30m cooldown, and neither of which you get until level 22 and 28 respectively). If you miss an attack on a fleeing mob and aggro another when you’re low on health, you’re probably going to die. Other classes can use crowd control, self heals, or mobility buffs to get out of dodge and avoid the graveyard run.
You’ll need potions, first aid, money for gear, and most likely engineering items just to do what other classes do automatically with their standard toolkit. It’s obviously not insurmountable but it’s still an extra level of complexity that other classes don’t have to deal with.
Everyone always says this, but they’re no more difficult to level than any other class.