Shaman or Warrior, help me decide!

I’m an altoholic and I need your help, General Discussion!

I started a Shaman when classic launched & got him to 45 before rerolling a Warrior because my group of friends had no tank in the group and I kept reading about how useless Shaman dps is… Happy to heal but I’d like to be able to PvP and blast some fools from time to time as well.

Got the warrior to 54 and am enjoying myself but all I see are guilds recruiting for every class but Warriors. Pretty keen to raid with a guild but I don’t want to be competing against 10 other Warriors for loot and outside of 5 mans there’s not much point being a tank since a raid only needs 2.

It seems (on my server anyway) that a Shaman would be more in demand. I’m torn between the two. Enjoy playing both but only want to focus on one.

Thoughts? Advice? Git gud? Reroll again?

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you are correct about both warrior and shamans. warriors are overpopulated and shaman dps goes oom pretty fast and people will try to get you to just heals. either way, finding raid spots will require you to conform to these realities.

i would still get both characters to 60 if i were you, you are mostly there already. you will be able to find groups and raids on either one, just having to deal with those cons you mentioned. if you level both to 60 though you should be able to help your friends/get in groups whenever you want if you are willing to switch from tanking to healing, etc.

if you still really want to reroll, one class that seems surprisingly underplayed (versus original wow) is hunter. i just havent seen that many of them. you will get to dps and be semi-wanted in raids since they need hunters for tranquilizing shot and to take all the gear no one else wants. =p

If you’re not making both of them than that isn’t proper altaholism.

Level your warrior first, then shaman alternating the maximization of XP gained during rested times.

The answer is always Shaman.

Both warrior and shaman are good classes that have places in raid from MC all the way to Nax. Both will have some competition for loot. Most guilds will have more than one of any class.

Don’t get caught up on loot. If you raid with good people the loot will come. Just pick what you enjoy, since the way loot works in raids you will probably not see upgrades for yourself every raid night.

Yeah it’s best to try leveling both for a bit. By level 20 you’ll have a good sense of what’s involved with each, and one will likely stick. Well, maybe level 24, after you’ve run SFK/BFD with each.

Somebody buy this man a beverage or pastry.


Go enhance Shaman. I love being hit for those combo wombo one shot wind fury procs.


Windfury procs are fun but its too much RNG. Would be 31/0/20 for the heals. Think I’m gonna go back to Shaman.