Shaman or Monk

Who has it easier soloing HVs and doing world content?

Not worried about M+ meta, this is a secondary toon until SL launches and I pick my new main.

As much as I hate to say it, probably monk.

Enhance Shaman is good, but WW Monks do it a little better.

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Monks are complete monsters at Multitarget, but Enhance has much better sustain and ST focus while retaining cleave.
But enhance’s rotation feels completely awful, whereas WW’s does not.

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Better utility, better damage, more chances at gear with leather, more survivability, better totems, and faster.

Pretty much sums it up.

Shamans are hot garbage in HVs, they can’t stand still too long to cast aoe lighting therefore they fall over and die. Monk is better.

Monk is just better and more fun to play

The correct answer is mechagnome monk.

WW is amazing for soloing. I can solo most stuff and easily escape when things get though.

Using ww conflict and strife it’s insanely difficult to die. A big heal on a short cd plus karma and leg sweep and kick.

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Probably Monk, especially for visions. They are like DHs without glaives.

My experience greatly differs, and I am not even that good. Pulling large groups in HVs works out really really well as ele.

Unless you got hot feet or use the mask that puts a void puddle below you.


I just know carrying a friend that is undergeared/nearly deadweight I can still almost do a full clear solo.

Earth Ele + Storm Ele work out really really well.

I had a bit of difficulty on my Monk doing HEs but that may be a lack of skill issue. I tried replicating the same strategy as my Paladin where I lure multiple groups and pop Crusade and delete mobs and I had trouble sustaining, particularly in Matthias lost zone.

In my experience I’ll go enhance shaman. Though if skilled, definitely stick with monk, rolls with high damage is hot.

I prefer monks by a mile

Probably monk. Monk are awesome once you accept you’ll be mediocre at damage (comparatively speaking), a one trick pony at healing, and a godly tank. Zipping around is great too. Blizzard can’t figure out how to make a Windwalkers competitive with the other melee classes, but the class is a blast to play.

I think shamans are super fun, but enhancement is pretty squishy and I don’t think casters, in general, are super at HV.


This was my primary concern with shaman. That and not having a tank spec. I tend to tank a lot for dungeon grinding.

I have a 120 monk that I’ve done some BRM on and mostly MW, but he’s got very little play time. Was mainly an easy alt to level up real fast that I kept at level cap and used for mount farms / holiday stuff. never got a LOT of play time. Small stint of healing arenas but never found a good team so, even that died off.

I know the least about WW which is what was making me lean a little towards shaman, that and I dont’ have a 120 shaman on the account yet.