Shaman New AoE Rune

How many holy paladins do you see in BG’s nowadays? Not many.

We both know idiot Rets dont even know what Cleanse is.

what do you mean? rets always cleanse, they just don’t cleanse other people.

Im a holy main. I often have to tell other Rets, hey did you know you can dispel the priest disease? They will eat those molten rocks, I guarantee it.

Yeah you really see a lot of AoE 1 pull cath groups LF bear tanks… Shaman crushes bear in all content, dunno where you’re getting that from.

ST threat isn’t being changed - they’re being given a modifier on shield specialization for increased threat. It’s simply less damage, and less exploitable by dual-wielding with double RB and running dual wield spec using 2600 AP + 6s cooldown taunt to burst bosses before ooming.

He is semi ret brained.

Idk if that’s true , if a warlock was free to cast they would for sure hit a 4-5 k chaos bolt. This ain’t the “winning” argument condition you think it is.
Which in your statement was

Chaos Bolt is not hitting for 4-5k.

It’s hitting harder than lava burst.
And it is hitting that hard in pve… but let’s be honest someone is scorching your kill target in PvP.

A Destruction Warlock may be able to match Ele, but I dont see that many of them. I see many Ele Shaman and they hurt.

Power Surge Instant Cast … it needs to proc !

double RB was a massive source of threat though, so yes it is going down

We all said this for level 40, then huffed more copium and said we would get it at 50, more copium. It’s as if none of the devs are playing rogue.

Rotate flame/frost while W keying your character away until you see - then instantly delete literally anyone you want. Not a hard task.

Except it was never supposed to be the intended way to play. RB threat isn’t going down, double RB WOTE is being removed. Shaman threat playing appropriately, how the class is intended to play is being increased - in addition to already being the highest single target TPS tank while playing the appropriate way. It’s just not a ridiculous over the top damage machine coupled with unkillable PvP meme anymore.

Frankly, more Shaman adjustments need to come in.

Shamanistic Rage needs to lose it’s group wide mana restoration, or Paladin needs an equivalent 60 second “push once for full mana” -20% damage + group regen rune. Or Shaman needs an equally appropriate negative healing effect during Shamanistic Rage to Guarded by Light - 50% would be the minimum, but given SR being outright better in every avenue 75% would be appropriate.

Lava Lash needs to require Flametongue - not bonus from it - require it.

Fire Nova needs a longer cooldown when runed. Spammable massive bomb damage from safety that generates absurd threat is not healthy for the game - will lead to every group becoming a TBC era-esque spellcleave kite group

Shield Mastery is obliteratingly powerful compared to Paladin restore. 8%/block with 0IGCD at 20% base block guaranteed without gear is absurd. Needs 5% + 1S IGCD.

Spirit of the Alpha needs to be toned down to being inferior to Salv. The cost-occurrence of it is zero, the maintenance of it is zero, and the duration of it is over twice as long base. I’d say 25% threat increase is appropriate, not 40%.

Dual Wield Specialization giving +10% hit - coupled with pending free-weapon-skill puts you over the hit cap permanently for every weapon type at all points of timeline… which is ABSURD - a talent point value of 10 minimum - no class gets it, but the classes that DO get hit talents are 1% per talent. Then consider it also gives 50% offhand damage (usually a 5 point talent) - then ALSO buffs Stormstrike? You get 15 talent points worth of core class power in one rune and it scales your Stormstrike? Insane. This rune could be halved in power and it would still be absurd. It’s not even CLOSE in rune comparisons.

Not to mention how now Shaman has every equivalent Paladin ability - and more - that are now all stronger than Paladin abilities in every capacity…

This doesn’t even touch on the totally braindead move of homogenizing racials away from Alliance but not giving the ridiculously strong available Shaman racials to Paladins. Where’s Hardiness for paladin? war stomp? endurence? berserking?

You banking on 5% is laughable. Yes the new FS rune is nice but thats also assuming there are 2 additional targets. And EM cd limits the combo every 3 min. The batch window is vastly smaller so they wont be doing the classic shenanigans. I do admit ele does appear strong but still stopable.

Shamans are shamans paladins are paladins. They dont have the same abilities. Pallies got buffed where most of their ability damage is comming as holy. Guess what resistance dosnt exist? Holy. The shaman updates bring enhance back down to reasonable balance. (Disregarding any p3 runes).

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i know youre full of it and have no clue about shaman and how it plays by this little gem…

it is useless on things that cast and pretty close to useless on bosses. so much that i have to run water shield on the last boss to actually keep mana at decent levels.

i would go over the others but will just say you are wrong and want to gut the class without even knowing how it plays.

also , banking on a 5% proc chance as the crux of your argument about how ele is super op or whatever is idiotic at best and this is without you mentioning it is only every 3 mins to pull off the other half of the combo you are speaking about .


The “100% weapon strike when you dodge” is a pretty decent AE threat tool. It’s a bit unpredictable in terms of it hitting targets “randomly” and not evenly but it’s still a pretty good ability for threat.

Honestly, it’s good enough I borderline consider that maybe Rogue tank goes back to using 1-handers and Saber Slash, as the weapon damage will hit a lot harder with a 1-hander than a dagger. Depends on fight designs.

There’s Holy resistance baseline in PvE on SoD. Just not PvP.

I’m sure something else you said may have been worth replying to, but I can’t be bothered.

Who hurt you?

I imagine with how populated Stormwind is you must be able to find at least a half decent therapist to help you through these trying times.