Shaman Leveling!

In classic prob, but in TBC patch go ENH until you get to Outland to get decent +SP gear, Dual wield is just better 40-60

Enhance will be the easiest spec for leveling atleast until outlands when spell gear starts to pop up. You’ll also get water shield eventually. Ele is mana hungry and the downtime can get boring. Enhance isn’t much different from a Ret pally until 40. Lots of white hits with some totems here and there. Not the most entertaining but it does get better if you can stick it out.

Not saying ele wouldn’t work, but enhance will just be simpler. As for biter v WF. Personally I found them very similar damage wise. Wf is just more fun, everybody looks to watch them tornadoes. Ya you’ll waste damage here and there but meh. Not missing out on much. If something gets over killed from a WF at 3%, it was dead next hit no matter what you use anyway.

Nahh you’re from Whitemane and so is my main. Hey remember that one time with that mage and Warlock? XD remember? Holy heck am I glad to see you here!! Hey wanna come to my place again for some LAN games?

Whats happening here.

I don’t understand why people think this way. It doesn’t cost resources to generate a WF proc. It’s not on a charge system. It’s no different than an RB crit at low health.

Most guides I’ve read say to level as enhance until 40 and then swap to elemental, as beyond 40 it’s faster even factoring in drinking. I did ele the whole way through and there was definitely a lot of downtime (especially early on) but given how often you crit and how hard you hit, mobs can die incredibly quickly. At the end of the day the difference isn’t gonna be huge, play the spec you like.

Big weapon. Big stick. Windfury. Don’t over think.

Enhance until ~250+ spell power in tbc gear, Then Ele just slaps everythign from like 61-70

Well this is awkward…

1-41 Enhance, 41-56 elemental, and 56+ back to Enh. 60 you can go either one and have a great time.

40s you can go to ZF-gy and level like a mage to 56. You can use the non-ENG grenades to tag them for initial threat so they don’t instantly kill your totems, but you’ll nuke them with Fire Nova Totem, and wash them back and forth with Magma totem.

This is how I leveled in vanilla, and I’m sure it still works. Several videos on youtube not just this one:

I want to make a healer Shammy but have no idea what I’m doing…

hit all the green buttons


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