Like a whole lot…
Orc best for pure enh shams, trolls best for pure ele and ele resto shams. And undead mages are not getting stopped by much of anyone. Undead priest has a spell that only undead priests can have and no other priests in the game can have except for them.
Ally side, NE make best hunter, gnome make best mage, NE make best rogue. Dwarf makes best warrior, dwarf makes best pally, they have more HP, more str than humans do. I have human pallies. My toons gotta look like me irl. I make a dwarf from time to time but I usually make human paladins. Occasional shaman though.
I’m subbed to you on YouTube.
So you do; his point is right.
the amount of schizos defending whatever shaman is… what the hell is wrong with you not to realize that Shaman is completely busted.
Paladin seems like a forgotten side character compared to the MC shamans.
They need to cater to 14yrs old playing horde or the server would be alliance only…if you want shamans to do ALL THAT top dps, healing, and tanking, at least make them run out of mana… the fact they do all of that with infinity mana is borderline meme…
Me and a guildie (HWL) couldnt kill 1 shaman in BM with MS debuff and 2 warriors, lol. Took full 30 min to get the remaining 2.5 blood caked silver for trinket and I had to end up leaving group and killing my guildie for the last 5 minutes. Groups of 3 shamans running around nuking us and healing our targets.
That ho le still bleeding because a paladín was in
Name all 3 stuns right now without googling them
Show me where the bad pally touched you
While I absolutely love my female NE hunter. For PvP I think Dwarf is a bit better. Being able to SK blind is an even bigger “I win Button” versus rogues.
Hmmm… loggin back on to SoD to level my shammy.
Now imagine you have to deal with 5 of them every BG.
I get pally is very strong too but shaman tankyness is just down right unreal. I need to post a clip, where it legit looks like the shaman is hacking because of how fast his block proc was going off. Feels like SoD is some cheap P server at this point.
Its funny that the shaman shield spec rune is better than the warrior shield mastery rune. Also, gladiator stance is useless in pvp now. I just run defensive stance full time if I’m not mortal strike build.
Hell even the Tauren racial isn’t even bad for pvp.
5% to MAX HP not base is Quite significant with the already huge hp bump.
Not to mention they have larger than average hit range…
And a minor aoe stun, it’s literally a head and shoulders above choice for Druids compared to nightelf racials.
Did you forget Repentance? And I don’t know, but every Pally seems to have LoH.
Shamans have zero stuns, zero hard cc.
And more strength as well.
Repentance is not a stun, by definition. It is an incapacitation that breaks on damage. That’s a pretty big difference. Every paladin has their 1 hour cooldown? What happens when you fight them again within 1 hour? Do they just log out and onto another paladin?
Feral Spirits exists.
Imagine being this bent over something you don’t even know what you’re talking about.
The unfortunate and not in agreement with this thread issue is. They could delete shamans tomorrow and horde would still win more bgs…
Because horde eles would be the same mindset player to just have bandwagon rolled boomkins anyways. With superior racials.
Every choice for non shaman class has an option on horde with better racials EXCEPT for possibly priest due to stoneform strength, but undead racials aren’t a slouch.
THE INCONVENIENT truth, is On average players that are better play horde in vanilla … because on average players who play to win will make a series of optimal choices to ensure victory which is why they are on AVERAGE better.
This doesn’t mean there aren’t exceptional or amazing alliance players, I know there are. But when you as an average player queue bgs you play with the average player base against the average player base. You play against as alliance on average players who already are likely to have a PvP inclination, be on average better at the game, and OBJECTIVELY have better PvP racials that are impactful at denying LOSE scenarios more often.
We know this to be factually true because all of the best pvpers in retail in aggregate play alliance due to racials:
Dark Iron
Are the most represented on the ladder for multiple class/specs by the best players. Playing one doesn’t make you a good player… but you can bet on average the best players play the best races. Because it’s that logic that made them… the best players.
If the devs were not complete cowards they would just nerf all damage By HALF when any tank runes are equipped and double threat. Then you will see how worthless all shaman specs are, and that they are actually just carried by the fact that, tank specs are busted in PvP, and shamans have one of the best tank kits for PvP.
Also burn should have never made initial hit flameshock do 100% bonus damage, it was idiotic in P3…. And it’s giga dumb now.
My shamans just xmute.
I play horde cause of Orc shoulder armor size