Shaman is still undisputed king of PvP

This seems line a grass is greener type of situation. Paladins think that shamans are crazy and shamans feel that paladins are crazy.

Shamans are strong casters especially with those psurge overload lava bursts but everyone is fire res geared so its usually all cut in half.

Paladins got so much safety its annoying to fight them. You spend your time either in stun, repentance, and swinging at a bubble and chopping through their health bar 3 times that the kill time of a paladin is just inflated. Theres no holy resistance and why would tou run it just for paladins so all their damage goes unmitigated.

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seal of command has a ~47-48% proc chance with the slowest weapon speed threshold my boy. WF I think has like 20% proc chance, on both one handers, to do 2 extra attacks

heh not to be silly about this but , enh shaman (pure enh and not ele/tank spec) are very not threatening even when proccing wf.

whereas a pally proccing is 2 globaling people from 100% even in bgs with pvp gear on the victim.


oh yeah I didn’t say they’re close to ret in terms of being a threat. I haven’t played since start of P5 and enhance wasn’t too hot then. I’m just saying it’s not like seal of command procs significantly more than WF does, dude was making a direct comparison of the procs

2 one handers at 20% chance is 36% chance to proc WF on weapons that swing faster than a slow ret 2h at 47%

make enhance great again?


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Stop it :joy::joy::joy:

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too soon friend

hell yeah I can’t wait for people to be even dumber with no department of education. we need some hillbilly parents in a podunk town to tell the schools what their kids need to learn, not some dang ol federal standard

if SoD is still going through like, April of next year, I want Looshfarmer to let me know if his loaf of bread is any cheaper

Answer me.

Why do I need to wear full PvP stam gear, while a Paladin in T2 just nukes me in three global with immunity?. I don’t counter paladins, hard cast basically everything except flame shock and a 5% chance proc. Ele is just a worse balance druid.

Lavaburst hits just as hard as backstab except it takes 2 seconds to cast (not including knockback). It hits about half as hard as a Ret melee swing with SoC… so… you’re dumb.

Shaman isn’t OP now, it’s just that the majority of those who rolled the class did so when they were OP for two phases straight so you’ll still see them overrepresented. Those players are trash FOTM junkies so deserve no mercy.

So many shaman tears. So good.

so many people crying about shaman still. so boring.

must suck being able to wipe raids

Shamans lately:

But, but B.R.E!

Kafka is just built differently.

Hey I didn’t realize you quit during P4. Some of your opinions make sense now.

you been crying about paladin since way before P4 buddy


we back to alliance throwing games!

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10 characters

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: sick game

I don’t think I ever gave you props for good taste, this song is a classic (they got a bunch of bangers tbh)