Shaman Farseer (for WoW Shaman Devs)

Hello fellow Shaman players and hopefully Devs. I will be talking about Shaman Farseer hero talent tree. I will be more focusing all on the Restro Shaman side of it since I am a healer.

First off, lets start off on a good note. Shaman Devs the them for Farseer is on point. Now for the pros and cons with hopefully wishes for Shaman.

Really quick an idea for ancestors as well since they only last 6 secs. The decay timer should not decay will not in combat. But should reset when starting a key so shamans aren’t stacking ancestors before a M+ key.

Final Calling node. (amazing) Hopefully Hydrobubble being a 10 sec shield is HUGE. Since it decays. This should also prioritizes Lower health players please.

Ancient Fellowship node. Good keep this.

Routine communication node. Good idea just up the % little more. Like 12% LB and 20% Riptide

Elemental Reverb node. Good keep this.

Offering from beyond should lower a better GCD then riptide for Restro

Redo Nodes- Nature Harmony, Primordial Capacity, Maelstrom Supremacy, and Spiritwalker’s Momentum.

Ancestral Swiftness capstone- At first I was a debbie downer on this capstone. Blizzard to fix this capstone this is what I would do. First make sure if you do take NS it changes it to a 45 sec cd like AS next it better be free mana and instant cast like NS. Lastly, the ancestors called should be 3. Yes that’s right 3. Here is why. If AS is a 45 sec CD. and Unleash life is a 15 CD. I can cast unleash 3 times for 1 AS. This makes AS worth pressing. So please Blizzard do this and make sure ancestors do the damage or healing and this capstone would be a whole lot better.

I will say this for Ele making PW mandatory now. Is really stupid and bad gameplay. Going more into fire build. Which some players might not like.

Latent Wisdom node. Everyone will just take Ancient fellowship might want to rethink this node.

Heed my call Node. No redo this!

Overall I like the idea and theme really hoping they polish out this tree. So highlighting couple things again. Hydrobubble make it worth it. Make Ancestors do something decent. Edit capstone hopefully what I suggested. Redo a couple nodes.

You might want to just copy and paste this into the thread they already made. It’s made by blizz, so you know they’ll at least read some of the comments

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