Shaman class ignored by Blizzard

Despite the initial draft of the Totemic Hero talents not being fully available until the last week of Alpha, there has been a LOT of feedback and discussion about Shaman abilities and talents. Much thanks here goes to Wordup and the others that have contributed detailed thoughtful reviews.

Additionally, the “Feedback: Shamans” topic in the Beta Test Forum is the second highest traffic topic.

Of course, none of the posts are blue. Blizzard developers have basically been silent except for the initial post (April?), and one very nominal update on Shaman healing abilities in the last notes. Please compare to feedback on any other class.

Will Shaman survive into TWW? Of course we will, it’s what we do. But it would be nice to know that we have at least been heard.

Continuing the discussion from Feedback: Shamans:


I expect nothing or bandaid adjustments.

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So exaplain me why you play Shaman still? I mained it for 10 years, I gave up on it for a reason. If you’re not resto it’s not super good to play.

Elemental is just the same Lava burst, and now even more annoying to do with primordial wave and liquid magma totem and a dumb giant cool on it and also a dumb giant cool down on recall.

If you do arena better hope the other team suck in 2s because reaching the point to align your best near 1 shot burst combo is difficult. In 3s it’s okay, but mid Really need that Astral Walk to be buffed because right now everything, even a slow warlock is more mobile than Shaman. But I guess we got lasso? alright cool.

Enhancement rotation is good for nothing but giving carpel tunnel. Not sure why anyone would PvP as enhancement. Sure it hurts but the thing is so dam squishy and predictable as it doesn’t do anything special. Just need to be cc’d during Feral Spirits, which is very easy to do nowadays and then Shaman is easy to murder. In keys, I guess you hit hard, you got lust, cool i guess if no one else brings it?

Use to be in love with that class so much. But Blizzard has ZERO vision for Shaman, they don’t know what to do with it and they refuse to listen to their Shaman community.


Get in line, blizzard has enough things they are trying to ignore.

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Stormbringer hero talents are currently a dps loss for elemental.

And good luck dealing with ranged stealth classes like hunters and boomkins as enhancement. By the time you get a chance to fight back your health is already 50% gone and your only real option is to run. And good luck running from a boomkin as enhancement.

Totems need a much wider radius. The totems that can help us deal with ranged stealthers have a radius so small they are useless versus those classes. And those totems are pvp talents which prevents us from taking other important stuff…

Don’t get me wrong, totem is a cool mechanic, but it’s also such a button / macros bloat. We can’t just rely on totem constantly and asking for more totems to buff them. I think what we got is more than fine.

They need to put skills in the class at this point, actual buttons that matters for the Shaman itself. Which is something every other classes got.

There is no shaman class. The fact Thrall saw the lack of shaman changes and took up an axe and became a warrior is telling enough.


So what?

It’s a place for feedback, not a discussion. Tell the devs what you like, what you don’t like, and move on.

Understood. For clarity, I meant no blue posts referencing shaman at all (save the one update on 2 resto spells). Any inclusion of Shaman in the standard periodic class updates would be good. There have been none.

I don’t expect dev’s to participate in forums.

shaman deserve better

shaman could never!!!