Shaman Changes

Thank you for taking the time to work on Shamans. The class tree and resto updates look very interesting and I look forward to trying them.

Elemental changes missed the mark a tad
Enhancement… you are happy with it? That is great for you.



With the exception of resto, shaman remains worst class in the game. Awesome.


Yeah, why is this? Reading through the R-Sham changes, they really made a multitude of positive changes. Why is Resto the spec that gets focused on the most usually and Ele and Enh are always left on the operating table?

Cause Ion plays Resto Shaman. Can’t have the leader playing a bad Spec/Class now can we?

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Ele changes missed the mark?

In what way?

i sincerely do not understand how is BLZ developers being “happy with it” regarding whats on the table for enh talent tree

So many out-of-date designs, lots of 2 points talents just for a few buffs to the basic abilities to be hardly useful.

Enh is basically not where it should be. All the play styles suggested by the talents are frustrating in both PVE aoe scenarios and PVP. Windfury build is off, lava lash is mentally toxic, and every enh player I know hate the living guts of Primordial Wave.
Stromstrike is just a joke. It’s an elemental assault ability with “storm” in its name and yet still being purely physical. SUCKS!
Doomwind is trash. They basically ruined all the windfury fantasies of enh by giving us the bullsh!t nerfed windfury talents.

Enh urgently need a thourough rework which could make its talent and mechanics “modernized” just like what they did to mages and paladin. The only thing which is “primodial” about us is the talent tree and ability designs!


Would bet nobody from shaman elemental responsible team have had 5 min gameplay with the class.

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they added a bunch of filler talents…
-Earthen rage: Ewwww, pure filler talent
-Echo of the elements: extremely minor interaction with elemental CD reduction.
-Thunderstrike ward: Another pure filler talent…
-Fury of the storm: An elemental for 8 sec that shoots like 3 bolts…

What are people not liking about Ele update? Removal of Windspeaker’s or they expected more? I think the general tree is really good and Ele tree has much more flexibility with removal of 2 pt nodes

I’m hyped. Still crossing fingers for visual updates, and buffs to Ancestral Swiftness and LMT

Theses are all nice thing for Thunder build shammy tough. They may seem like filler to you but Elem needed filler all it had was too much and RNG. Filler kinda balance thing out a bit and remove the cluster.

The biggest nerf is the maelstorm generator beeing reduced by almost half.

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Ele looks pretty dead in PvP, but I’ll wait to see if the Europeans can figure out a decent build before I call it.

I don’t think Ele is dead in pvp by any stretch. Been using volcanic surge this season and am quite comfortable and confident in it. In TWW we’ll have close to half second casts on lightning bolts and built in 25% crit (with talents).

I’m all in on this spec as long as the mastery changes work out okay.

They are happy with it because unlike ele and resto, enhance has been a powerful, and overall well liked spec. There’s always little things that people don’t like, but nothing in enhance’s kit is overwhelmingly toxic and demands immediate change.

where should it be? and where do you think it is now?

Is this really that big a deal? Don’t get me wrong, I agree it would make more sense if it did stormstrike damage, but this is such a minor issue. Are you saying this ability actively sucks because it does the wrong damage type? Like pressing this button isn’t fun right now, and if they swap it to stormstrike damage it will suddenly be fun to press? If that’s what you’re saying, how does that work? when I played enhance I also thought it should do stormstrike damage, but when I was actually playing my character I never once thought about it. This is something that crossed my mind when I was bored at work, and it never made my character less fun to play. Why does it seem to do that for you?

This could be solved by a simple numbers buff I think. It’s been awhile since I really played enhance so maybe its not that simple, but tuning can still happen so hopefully they make doomwinds viable. I loved the playstyle and hopefully it comes back to you

I’ve seen this alot. My take on the 2 point talents is who cares? if the builds are fun and feel strong they could have 15 2 point nodes and it wouldn’t matter. This is only a problem if enhance can’t reach its mandatory nodes because of this design. Is that currently happening, or is this you not liking 2 point nodes on principle?

I don’t think it does. Most of your complaints IMO are small hiccups that can be fixed with numbers tuning. Why completely rework a spec when the only thing keeping stormstrike down is its damage type? This looks more like enhance players are a little envious of ele and restos new toys and want new stuff for the sake of new stuff. I’m not saying the spec is 100% fine and can be ignored, but demanding a full rework over little issues like the ones you mentioned is an overeaction IMO

Encasing Cold, Vodoo Mastery, Traveling Storms, and Seasoned Winds look good for PVP. Warmode Enabled. Seasoned Winds near bottom of tree but I still be surprised if it stays the way it is


PvE Ele looks good though.

Some of us are Shamans and play all 3 specs in PvP and PvE. I am fine with Enhancement staying the way it is. Defensives was all I wanted for Enhancement anyways.

Talk to more enh shamans then. Not all of them hate pwave

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For pve, recent changes essentially prevents us from talenting like we are able to now which is a large reason why people are complaining. Toss Hero talents in and the issue becomes larger.

It’d be one thing if we just had this version of enhance coming into the TWW but we’re not able to replicate it.