Shaman (Changes that need to be done)

Ill get right into this. Bring back Chain Harvest for Shaman and get rid of Prim Wave!!! Please Blizzard.

Make first Chain Harvest the where P wave is on all 3 specs, then next Node is Chain harvest adds flame shock and riptide to all enemies and allies hit. The Last node will be each crit of flame shock or riptide reduces the cooldown of Chain Harvest by 1 second.


I like Chain Harvest. It was a great damage/heal burst attack. I would like that as an option with Prim Wave. While we’re at it, can we have a talent that refunds half our maelstrom when we heal? We’re just like warriors who don’t want to Ignore Pain cause “Ma DPS will go down.”

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Idk, I don’t think it would be a very fun ability for ele. Pwave is better for that particular spec. For Enh, I’ve never really been able to stand using it. It just doesn’t feel good to me. I’d rather have Charvest or FaeT back. (FaeT personally)

Absolute ideal for me though, would have been to not carry any of the SL abilities for shaman forward. The only one that even slightly had a “shaman” feel was FaeT, and even then I don’t think it fit well.

i love pwave for ele, idk

Weirdly I’m the opposite: I would rather have Chain Harvest on Ele and Pwave on Enhance. The cost/benefit of setting it up on Ele doesn’t feel good but for enhance it’s a true moment of glory.

Pwave never felt better than in SL when it had the cd reset conduit on ele. Just sending out massive waves of Lava Bursts while also proccing DRE which also procced waves of Lava Burst. Volcano man.

Charvest just felt good because MSW made it really strong. However, I am under no illusion that it would be as strong if reimplemented. It just won’t represent the same amount of damage as it did when classes were designed for covenant abilities to be really strong.

What I wanted the most was a new iteration on Fae Transfusion or just something new rather than taking SL abilities forward.

Preferring the elementalist build for enhance, its sad to see its left in the dust with both builds. I would like to see primordial wave work with eleblast in a way. Something to allow multiple ele blast to be casts and allow for 10 second buffs for multiple stats. seems like it would compare with ascendence builds

Yeah, people liked Chain Harvest because it was super strong and required no effort to use. Pwave was the correct choice of abilities to migrate from SL as it’s the most versatile and how much of an enabler it is.

Here’s something that most people don’t know:

During Dragonflight Alpha, an updated Chain Harvest was datamined. In order to be true to Shaman, it was changed from Shadow damage to Nature damage. This would’ve been absolutely broken because it would allow it to now gain Enhancement’s Mastery modifier. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that it would get absolutely nerfed into oblivion due to scaling issues. Plus, what would they do with the animation? Make it green? Cool, now Shamans also have Crackling Jade Lightning that has the same damage output as Chain Lighting (because CH would most definitely get nerfed to a similar level).

As much as people will hate hearing this, Chain Harvest can’t return in a form anywhere close to how it existed in SL. People should feel fortunate that Blizzard chose to give us Pwave instead as it creates a less broken gameplay experience with more interactions/uses than Chain Harvest.

It could come back if Blizzard were to trim the amount of abilities/modifiers/talents we could have at the same time so that the ones we do have could feel better to use. I believe this would have been a better system for them to implement hero talents on top of. I think the idea of “getting something every time you level” isn’t necessarily bad, but I think that maybe they should have implemented getting a spec point every 3 levels and made the class trees bigger/deeper. Just less power implemented overall but get more utility/survivability.

In a world where each individual ability were stronger, Charvest could exist. Just not as the game was designed after SL.

what its the problem in primordial wave’?

It’s good technically but a lot of people don’t like the way it plays on enh. Others take that personally.

They shoulda canned all the SL abilities.

Converting PWave’s talent node into a choice would be interesting. I think the issue then would be all the work to make sure the supplemental talents applied to Chain Harvest as well.