Shaman Changes in latest Beta Build

Those druid forms are very old. They clearly need more customization options soon.

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My shaman totems are only a decade old. I can wait till next expansion.

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I wonder if shaman would get any traction if the pros decided to just say screw it and run a full shaman team minus tank in the mdi or triple shaman in the awc just everybody rolling a shaman on live streaming in front of thousands of people so they can truly see how thrown to the wayside it’s been?

sighs Don’t give Blizzard any more credit than they’ve ever earned. Facts: 1) Blizzard suffers from some sort of mental instigated design flaw syndrome for which they muck things up before they fixed it and then declare JOB DONE as part of the expansion; 2) Blizzard does in fact, by action, pick winner and loser classes/specs. If they truly cared about the PLAYER EXPERIENCE, they’d balance specs all the time; 3) Bobby is gone, this ain’t his world anymore, so what gives Blizzard?

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The thing is that they would post something like “Hey we’re working on it guys don’t worry” and we’d all rightfully go “what are you working on specifically”. We’d either get met with silence and then we’d put our heads through our monitors.

The issue is I imagine we’re getting silence for now because they’re trying to get the Hero Talents to work properly given a lot of bugs, stuff not implemented, and weird interactions with some talents.

The thing I am dooming about is the Enhance tier set as it is now. Right now it’s unbelievably busted to the point that it’s overcompensating for weaknesses and issues with the spec tree and hero talents. Without the talent set, it makes no sense to play the standard single-target Elementalist Build with Stormbringer but with the tier set it probably is the best single-target damage. They’re gonna nerf the tier set for sure but I’m hoping they don’t do some knee-jerk direct nerfs.

You’re wrong about this. No communication is always worse than lackluster communication.


Fair. I suppose I’m speaking about my perspective because I would personally be more irate seeing a lackluster response when it’s clear from my perspective that they are currently just trying to fix bugs with the hero talents at this time and the class/spec tree changes are going to come late with little time to iterate on them due to them dragging their feet. If if the changes are steller, you still need to iterate on them which was a big issue with enhance going into DF. If they had more to time iterate back then, we probably would have started DF with the MSW generation issues fixed for Elementalist and Storm would have likely been the version we had in Season 2 with the rest of the expac to refine the both of them. Instead, they ended up fixing up one build at a time each patch while neglecting the other.

The realistic expectation, as much as I know I will be throwing metaphorical things at the wall for this as well, is that quite literally anything given at this point won’t be enough. Unless there’s a massive amount of changes coming in todays build, with iterations coming each subsequent week while we still have some time left for design iteration, anything they say or do is just going to cause more uproar.

The tuning is starting to matter at this point in beta but any kind of meta build is far from realized.

While people are finding success blending certain builds and hero talents, it’s still a broken (storm) or inefficient (spec tree in general) system holding up the absolutely horrendous and lackluster hero talents. Tuning can be the difference between any of the 4+ build/hero talent combinations being passable or absolute hell.

I agree with this so much so I wanted to give some examples on this.

Survival Hunter and Demonology Warlock are some good examples of this.

The choice in which classes/specs have access to legendary items or special items is a good example of them picking and choosing which class/specs to elevate.
And in the past they deliberately mega nerfed Demonology Warlock to suppress players wanting to play that spec.

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