Shaman Button Bloat and overly squishiness

So, I’m primarily making this as a purely Enh shaman player, but I do know that the other shaman specs have it worse, but


The core is there, and I’m all for it. Enhancement in TWW feels solid to press buttons, and I originally was planning to avoid the class because of its general survivability. Stormbringer is fun though for how simple it is, and really drew me to the class again.

But then that prementioned issue keeps rearing it’s ugly head: For a melee class, Shamans have zero passive sustainability and the active sustainability really dips into your damage output, especially for enhancement.

You’re either using one of three defensives, earth shield, or healing stream totem for any sort’ve passive mitigation, which all feel like they do nothing. If you need to heal yourself, healing surge will consume your maelstrom weapon stacks and heal for a good chunk; but the tradeoff is losing those stacks.
Compare this to something like Ret paladin that has word of glory. A similar sized heal, but chews up half the amount of resources and actually reward you for pressing occasionally. Yet ret paladins have so much more passive survivability from just spending holy power and hitting their buttons.

I understand enhancement is meant to be more of a hybrid-style caster and melee, but it feels horrible to need to stop and heal after every mob pull just in the open world because a random wasp nearly caved your head in, and pray you don’t accidentally pull two and your three defensives are on cooldown.

So, looping back to my original point
For a class that has 4 action bars worth of spells and utility, everything feels incredibly lacking. I get that a lot of the classic fantasy for shamans was buffing your weapons, but as an enormous hot take:
Make lightning shield, windfury weapon, and flametongue weapon passives.
I know these are staple shaman buttons, but now that they gave shamans a raid buff as well? We don’t need those buttons to press. Additionally, Enhancement needs some form of bonus armor or additional increase to their health on top of Brimming with Life. My first thought is making some form of passive Earth Shield for enhancement to heal on hit, but I understand the button is useful in PvP or other situations.

Finally, totems. Totems hold such a massive importance to shaman, and I fully agree that they need to stay. I just think a lot of shaman’s utility or defensives could be combined into a totem, and that totem made untargetable. Spirit Walk and Wind Rush can be combined, for example, giving the shaman a larger speed boost and removing movement impairing effects.

I know shaman has other glaring issues right now, like struggling in pvp against other melee classes, but as it stands it feels like enhancement is just the weaker, less cool cousin to Mountain Thane warriors.


It’s so funny this isn’t about Resto because this is how I feel as resto shaman now. Literally 4 bars full and it feels like I’m in front of a NASA control panel


Blizz cut down on a lot of the self healing/passive healing of most specs, and while I think shaman is now solidly middle of the pack for endgame tankiness, I do wish some of the passive options did anything. MSW healing is actually pretty huge, though this eats a big chunk of your damage. A pvp talent exists which makes healing surge benefit from maelstrom weapon spent on previously cast damage spells. It feels really good, (though for some reason it seems to heal way less than it should, will have to check the numbers there). It might actually be two powerful if it were kept in it’s current state and just given to enh in it’s spec tree, but a toned down version, with power brought back into it with pvp modifiers could be a really nice solution.

The button bloat is real though, I have almost as many keybinds in retail as I do in classic, which is insane considering I’ve bound most of my totems, and multiple spell ranks

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Kinda jelly of all the defensives and utility ele has not going to lie, so much more buttons than my balance. Interrupt on low cd, couple of stuns, roots good knock back and walls.

You only have 4 bars? If I include all of my totems for different situations and other abilities that I have to swap out, I have a full 6 bars of abilities, including F1-F4 with shift and control modifiers for them as well, it’s literally ridiculous, but I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

For enhance more than the others they kind of slowly build this launch sequence as well.

Pull starts:
Press Pwave
(Optimally press FS on another target)
Press feral spirits
Spread FS with LavaLash
Press Doomwinds/Ascendance
Press Sundering

I think if we can get this cut down by 2 GCD and buttons it would feel better.

Sundering and Doomwinds should just be 1 button. Fits perfectly with “CDs should do something cool when pressed” and they are paired anyway. Further Storm build is slightly behind so the extra talent point might nudge it towards elementalist enough so its not 1-4% worse (Care i made the % up)

The other thing is FS and glorified FS ah I ment PWave. Cant FS just be PWave every 30 sec? Like they are essentially the same.
Only you need both in the opener to get to 6 FS.

That would ease up on the enhancer opener and I’d need two rather rotational buttons less.

Maybe I could finally bind Hex or Tremor totem to buttons I can actually press in a pinch. Who knows.

Here’s the deal. Unless you’re resto, shaman suck.

A lot of posters here will race to defend it but that’s only because they really haven’t invested time in other classes.

Realize this, your melee package is up against Warrior, DK, DH, Rogue, Druid, Monk, Paladin and even Melee Hunter.

Be honest with yourself, is Enhancement Shaman Better than any of those Classes? NO.

You were attracted to the class because of the theme of a battle mage that master’s the elements, lore about Thrall, or you saw some one-off videos from no-life YT content creators clipping them owning someone in arena.

But you’re not one of those YT Influencers, or “I’ve main shaman since 2005 folks” who have been eating crap cataclysm forward, and learning to love it when their given a square of toilet paper.

That’s NOT YOU. Pat yourself on the back,you have a life, and you want to have fun in your free time

Ignore the get good, you don’t know your rotation, or have you looked at icy veins posts. You’re not going to buy a 12 button MMO mouse, research addons, or make macro versions of each skill because that’s not fun and you have better uses of your time.

Don’t waste hours of your time on this class, only to boost a Fury Warrior, or DH.

Get out while you still can.


Uhm. You’re aware that all of those are in the class tree which means that every Shaman specc has access to these? There is no specc specific utility for CC for Shamans.

yes im aware? im comparing elemental shaman to balance as they are both hybrid casters

elemental is kinda force to use shield , so it gains some surv , being ranged helps too

but outside bulwark u are made of paper

It’s funny ele is probably the easiest and less bloated spec in the game but enh is the most bloated redundant piano and squishiest melee in the game.

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So earlier today I came on here to find this exact discussion since I was having issues with squishiness (coincidentally while dealing with the wasps in Hollowfall - nasty poison). Anyway, had a couple paragraphs queued up for a response to add to the argument of squishiness and button bloat. Then I decided to first see if being more aggressive with utilizing the entire toolkit would change the experience.

Sure enough, things became a bit easier. Instead of just relying on passive defensives and the occasional instant heal while just pressing DPS abilities like I would with other melee DPS (ret, Fury, FrostDK, WW monk), I would start fights with popping Astral Shift, even on trash quest mobs and rotate that with Stone Bulwark, Ancestral Guidance while also being liberal with Capacitor Totem, Thunderstorm, and Earth Elemental. This smoothed things out quite a bit and since then I haven’t encountered any Elite WQ I couldn’t solo with relative ease.

I still agree that button bloat is crazy with this class, but that could be by design - specifically for players who enjoy pressing a lot of buttons. It’s safe to say that not every spec is for everyone. Personally I find Ret Pally to be way easier, but that ease comes at a cost - I get kinda bored playing him. I feel that the extra work required to play Enh creates a more engaging experience, but I’m glad not every spec is like this…

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Yes, to everything you wrote.

I would say the bloat is by design and is great for players who love high challenge rotations in WoW.

But, a user friendly class it is not.

I think Elemental is a fine PvE class that suffers in PvP (besides resto). PvE pulls, even Mythic plus are very controlled, you will pull of your rotations if aggro is managed, it’s all good.

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Same. I feel like a pianist.


Please, you can’t be serious. Druid has all the QoL. Has to be a joke.

It’s clearly designed for team play in mind. Duels and 2v2 are rough, but go in a battle ground…you clap almost everyone you run into. Just don’t be alone.

Are you trying to tell me balance druid has more defensives and utility than a ele shaman?

Im pretty sure pvp wise at least my ele shaman has more cc\utility than my balance. PVE wise balance druid prob has the least amount of defensives of any range dps spec.

What is stealth and bear form and cyclone and roots to you? You’re hilarious to try defend that. Jaded players are too rampant on this game, it’s a sad sorrow.

The bloat. Yup, it’s there. I started leving up a ret paly and was like, how come there are only 3 buttons to mash? Had no idea how much more complicated our rotation is compared to ret. I assume this is the case with most specs now.

You really gotta enjoy playing an enh shammy. While, it’s not terribly difficult (once you understand the rotation), there are more buttons to press. And, if you use the wrong one, your entire burst could be lack luster. Kinda like a non-PW buffed lightning bolt!

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Battlegrounds is PvE simulated as PvP.

Arena or 1v1, the lack of mobility and quality of life mechanics makes you easy pickings.

You’re mostly stationary unless you pop cd or are running away. Yes, you have snares and some cc but now there are 2 to 3 ways of voiding those mechanics for most classes.

Totems also blow, and were briefly tolerable when retconned in Cataclysm, but then reverted to flaming crap again.