Shaman buff? pally nerf?

{PvP} so Paladin sheath of light got nerfed and now vindicator, who asked? who complained of these spells? meanwhile, a large portion of the community have stated that shaman is op and nearly unkillable while they can 1 shot, and they are getting buffs? am I missing something? why can mages blink do damage for 10 seconds or run away then teleport back from any range then blink again, and also heal more then a paladin in any spec, how does rogue do so much damage when they have an insane amount of ccs, mutilate hits a combined 1k+. this is just a few of the clearly broken things that need rebalancing.

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Thanks for sharing.

the equivalent sheath of light skill from shamans was nerfed too.

vindicator was buffed idk what you’re talking about, 15% ap is a lot and thanks to god is a buff to the talent and not a rune, now we can have more AP and run right vengeance.

its not 15% ap its 10%. it was 15% ap and 15% str and 15% agi. huge nerf. our sheath of light was how ret pally was able to heal well. shammy has instant heal that heals twice as much as our flash of light

Shamans are going to be much squishier in P4; you’ll see. They won’t be able to Maelstrom heal themselves forever.