Shaman are the superior class, change my mind

Closest I can get to current content that a 365 ele shaman might be doing. Lowest bracket is 370-372, normal BoD. Elemental is literally #1 at any percentile on average across the raid in that scenario.

The spec got some help in 8.1.

I wield a cosmic force that exists at a scale far greater than planets.

You wield maniacal light boys power. Didn’t save Tirion.

Shaman rights!

/shakes fist

Thats a funny way to spell Monk

No its true and im not being bias as well while saying this!

Only if the elements say “okay sure” to your requests to do that. Not really sure I would want that kind of albatross around my neck, when in the thick of battle the elements could simply refuse you and you’re screwed.

I prefer to study and earn my power, knowing that it is mine and mine alone, rather than beg and scrap for it every step of the way.

Shamans were the best in Vanilla.

Once Bc hit and we got paladins and that vile race with them it all went to hell.

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People still play shaman? Why are you punishing yourself?

I find my class and specialization can be very useful practically. However, in terms of DPS output, I feel we’re lacking a bit. However, I am typically always the last one standing in the case of a wipe. I enjoy it.

Sorry but once you go stormkeeper you never go everwhere!

Been holding on to my character boost for a rainy day. About a week ago I got bored and created a dwarf shaman who looks like a paladin and named her after my grandmother. Had been planning on healing but elemental has been so ridiculously fun I haven’t looked back. I mean, lightning lasso? Am I right? Liquid magma totem? Primal elementalist? Too much fun.

Pfft. Shamans. Superior class is the mage! We got yo bloodlust, free food and them ports and portals… aww yeah. :muscle:

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Warriors are better.

Despite all your magic and communion and elemental hocus pocus, all we need to beat you is blood, steel and grit.


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Thats why as a goblin, i make deals with the Elements. And they are binding.

I love my “Wonder Woman” spell… “THE LASSO COMPELS YOU TO SPEAK THE TRUTH” (what I yell when I use it)