Shaman: A Discussion

Are Shaman Broken?

It’s likely no surprise to anybody that there are some posts on these forums saying “Shaman is broken. Fix when?”

Someone made a nice post discussing Enhance Shaman specifically and talks mostly about enh having tons of Attack Power for the level.

My question is about how we can know what is meant, and how to measure this, compare it to other things, and come up with a reasonable understanding of whether something is appropriate or not.

When I play a warrior, I have more or less come to avoid charging into shamans. I feel it is ok that there are classes/specs that I have no hope of beating in a 1v1, and it’s possible that I am just not good also, but charging to stun/hamstring/disarm and peel for a healer/caster is quite often a better, more useful action than offensively charging a shaman (moreso than any other class, by quite a noticeable margin, though a Metalock casting drain life on me doesn’t seem like such a great target either).


  • When people say “shamans are broken” does this apply to all shamans?
  • Are there counters to shaman? Does this depend on how the shaman is talented/geared (a.k.a. spec or specialization)
  • Do/should we lump PVP and PVE performance together?

Anyway, what, if anything, counters shaman? And as a warrior in PVP, how should I approach engaging with them? Is it different depending on their spec, and how would I know?
