Shaman - 21/20

I play Shaman, so when I discovered in Phase 2 that 21/20/0 would be a thing in Phase 3, I was ecstatic! I would rock 21/10 until Phase 3 happened. Combined use of Spell Power and Attack Power gear to make Elehance very viable! It was beautiful.

It started with Maelstrom Weapon, melee attacks have a chance to gain a stacking buff that reduces cast speed of spells by 20%, up to 100%. This would lead into instant cast Lava Burst! Lava Burst would auto-crit when casted on my Flame Shock target, AND would deal 100% more crit damage with an Elemental talent. On a spell crit, I would gain 9% melee crit from a different Elemental talent. Stacking with 5% crit from the Enhancement tree, then a sweet 30% melee attack speed on a melee crit, also in Enhancement. The talents would connect so well with how my runes worked. The synergy was amazing.

Up next we have Mental Dexterity, this rune really shifted this build into the next gear. When I melee, I’d gain all of my INT as Attack power, and then 30% of my Attack Power as Spell Power. The synergy only got better. Lava Burst would crit even harder. This would also allow my heals to be better as well. Making Earth Shield and Riptide very valuable for open world PvP.

Main source of damage would be Lava Burst, with Melee in second. Elehance was real.

The change in Mental Dexterity going from buff granted on melee hit to buff granted on Lava Lash or Stormstrike really knocked this build down a peg or two. Lava Lash shares rune slot with Lava Burst. Stormstrike being a capstone would cause this build to wait until next phase, even then we would lose our +100% spell crit damage.

The dream was fun while it lasted. I’ll still play around with it though, and see how I can continue having fun with a hybrid build.



No class is supposed to hit 4k+ at lvl 50 with an instant spell.

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You will find no sympathy when shamans can pump out 2 lava bursts of 1,200 in less then 2 seconds

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Clearly not how this build worked, but thank you for your input. :]

Your sadly mistaken.

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I’m having trouble finding the instant 4K+ spell regarding the 21/20 build I mentioned in the OP. Not only are they hard casting all their spells, it seems you posted a video of a Capstone Elemental Shaman, you’ll notice they have Elemental Mastery on their hotbar. Again, thank you for your input but your comments do not relate to the Original Post. :]

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Its clear they had no intention of this being used in that way. Chances are is that they learned the open nature of the rune system is a bad idea and they will make things spec specific next go around

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And he is not top dps by far so… what are you trying to prove?

Are rogues tanks better than some dps classes?
will warriors outclass every other dps in next phase?
Are paladins a class designed to whinning lacklusters?


instant 3.98k+ dmg at 0.12 seconds to be precise.

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I see, I did miss that. Apologies, hope you can forgive me. They seem to be using Power Surge, a rune that has a 5% chance to activate every time Flame Shock deals damage. It refreshes the cooldown of Lava Burst and Chain Lightning while also making the next Lava Burst, Chain Heal, or Chain Lightning within 10 sec instant.

I see the misunderstanding here.

The issue here in relation to the 21/20 build that the OP is about, is that Power Surge shares the same rune slot as Maelstrom Weapon. Thank you for sharing your thoughts still.

You are complaining that he hit a hard casted spell that does roughly the same damage as chaos bolt. In the clip you linked that elemental shaman isnt even on the dps meter. Elemental shamans need a massive buff.

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I mean, the moment they changed MD from 60 seconds to 10 seconds right before Phase 3, it became abundantly obvious that they neither wanted nor expected Elemental Shamans to try to make MD work.

MD was always intended to be an Enh Shaman Rune, and today’s change makes sure that it will ONLY be an Enh Shaman Rune going forward.

Frankly, it’s still annoying that its just ‘Sheath of Light but better’ lol. Much like most of Enhancement Shaman in SoD is ‘Retribution Paladin but better’.

But eh, it is what it is.

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That 4k+ dmg at 0.12sec looks like an instant cast to me.

Maybe he got lucky with a 5% chance proc on power surge. There are multiple clips of warriors clicking instant cast executes for 9k crits.

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Shaman casually simming 500 dps above everybody else :skull: