Shako mog option

Why does the shako option in the dressing room not have horn holes? Like this seems kinda off? To have my own racial cosmetics clip with each other?

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Cuz there’s a lot of different horn options, including no horns, so making 50 different shakos to encompass all possibilities probably wasn’t something they wanted to invest time into.

I was just thinking about this when I was mogging my Dracthyr. I love the hooded look, but having horns jut through the fabric with no proper holes on it just looks a little odd when you focus on it. I hope we at least get an option in the future with just the scarf portion of the shako as an option to have that look while avoiding the clipping issues for those that want it.


gosh I would LOVE to have just the scarf honestly.


What they should do is add another “horn decoration” option for rings or something that wrap around the horn at an angle that lines up with the shaco model for each horn model.

When you have the shaco and the horn decoration toggled on, it looks like you have a metal ring crimped into the fabric for your horns to poke through.

I mean i feel like you can just imagine that the horns are poking through holes in the cloth. There doesn’t need to be a golden or jeweled band to indicate a hole in a piece of fabric

so basically what they do with pandaren tails?

They managed for the vulpera heritage armor?

and clipping like that honestly is so lazy. Like the armor people make the armor look good for Humans and stretch it for everyone else regardless of fit or clipping. They should individualize the looks of the armor per race. Like have you seen what helms look like to every non human? :face_vomiting:

Well all vulpera ears come out at exactly the same angle so that was easier. The same is not true for dracthyr ears. Also the holes on the vulpera helm are ridiculously large and they still do clip with some ears anyway.

They’d have needed a separate shako model for each horn style available so that the holes would line up.

yeah, pretty much