Shady Multiboxer?

Sorry if I was unclear in my replies Dosao. While I don’t personally like multi-boxers, I know it doesn’t violate any ToS.

My question about detection tools was in response to Death’s post about 2 DHs using kick bots. I was under the assumption someone using bots would easily be detectable by blizz. Apologies for any confusion.

No problem … I don’t even know what a kick bot is, :joy:

Some program which interrupts ?

Yeah basically. It would allow a player to interrupt a cast faster than humanly possible. Something like 0.1 seconds in to the cast, so you couldn’t even juke a kick. I’ve heard of people using them, but always assumed they were detectable because game files are altered.


What you describe is either a multiboxer who is absolutely cheating or a really well coordinated group of individual players. It’s probably cheating, unless all of the characters were trinketing at the same time and were shifting at the same time.

If it was an honest multiboxer your strategy of cc-ing individual characters should have worked. When a character becomes out of sync, honest multiboxers would either need to switch to the specific game instance and take corrective action (which takes time to recognize the problem, switch, take action, switch back) or do something that works for all characters. Like if his characters get knocked apart he could run them into a corner to group them together again and even then it may take a few mouse clicks to get that to happen.

Again, if all the characters were trinketing at the same time or shifting at the same, that’s OK. But it sounds like individual characters were instantly taking actions independently of all other characters. That’s not OK.

That could only happen from

  1. Botting software (cheater! cheater! pumpkin eater!)
  2. Its actually several players you’re up against and not a multiboxer.

They are often referred to as Grit.
J/K :grin: I couldn’t resist.

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I am still recovering from that last kick you gave me. :grinning:

You most never miss leg day. :yum:

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100% sure it was a mulitboxer and not a group of highly coordinated individuals. All his toons move in perfect sync, however, his kicks, shapeshifts, and trinkets were all individual and near instant. The main thing was the glitching or lag hacking though. It made it to where you could never kill all his toons. We killed one and he went travel form with the rest and we never could keep a target on him again.

It was a truly deadly combo. If I encounter him again I’m going to record it, even though my keyboard turning PVP sucks.