Shadowy Apparitions

Then I’d ask for compexity in the active rotation, not the added compexity of a Proc system messing with the basic priority.

Are there any talents that add complexity to the active rotation? Would a biff to those solve the problem of ‘simple’ gameplay?

I didn’t say I wanted a proc. Procs are a lazy answer, and generally don’t work on their own. Thought Harvester, pre ptr nerf, was looking to be a “proc” for shadow to have some control over on single and multi target, this unfortunately never became the case, but it was going to be nothing more than a bandaid.

Nope, except possibly shadowy insight, which is just a proc to cast free instant mind blasts. It doesn’t change the priority, because bolt still takes precedent, and mind blast was second highest anyway, it would just mean you flay less, but it wouldn’t mean you thought about anything more.

It’s a problem with the way voidform and insanity were built, its not something you can “just fix” within current paradigms. A lot of people dislike voidform, for very valid and varied reasons, but personally this lack of… agency(?) is what has driven a wedge between me and the spec I’ve played for over a decade.

I keep playing it, raid on it, theorycraft for it, and can play it without feeling repulsed unlike a lot of other die hard ex shadow players, I can see what it was trying to do, I can appreciate that, but the gameplay is a repetitive loop in which I don’t feel I have any choice or opportunity to make mistakes or deviate.

Well then I may have to just play Holy on this character at 120 and be happy with that.

I doubt I’ll encounter a ‘cap’ on what I can do as Shaodw (doing World Quests and other bs like that) but kowing there is a ‘cap’ sucks.

That’s not what I said. Shadow performs well, the rotation feels smooth to play, it just also feels railroaded far too heavily, Mechanics and performance are two very VERY different things.

I still raid on shadow at a high level, I still perform on it, the spec overall is performing excellently. Issues are mechanical, not numerical.

Then I missunderstood you, apologies.

Still, I plan to Heal on this character for higher content. I doubt I’ll do more than clear Normal if even that much though.

Shadow should still be fine for open-world content imo.