Shadowy apparitions

can you please revert the shadowy apparition spell change…
idk who wanted this.
crit/haste build was OP…
loved when I had hundreds of apparitions flying around in mythic plus

now i get to spec into aoe and press extra buttons that are so trash… while my dots run out because they do no dmg… and its not worth sacrificing globals when i could press those 2 trash extra aoe buttons… like for what

its a dot spec… make my dots do dmg when i put it on tgts… and maintain… thats my aoe?
not 2 buttons and let dots fall off ?? thats so clunky yall figure it out

shadow ded y’all ruined it gg

IDK…I just ran a 7 key that had a Shadow Priest. Shadowy Apparitions was his top damage ability in the end.

This design doesn’t work too well in today’s M+, unfortunately. A modern solution would be giving Shadow a way to spread Vampiric Touch to multiple targets ala Dark Void.

The real problem, IMO, is Searing Nightmare. Awful, awful gameplay, and it makes ghosts and Devouring Plague effectively irrelevant, yet talenting out of it is gimping yourself because Shadow’s baseline AoE is horrendous. Prepatch Shadow was way more fun, with Spiteful Apparitions buffing ghosts so much that Devouring Plague doubled as an AoE spender and running Misery was the optimal pick. You’d turn into a ghost minigun every time you went into Voidform.

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That doesn’t sound right


It actually was.

I can see it being number 3 or 4 damage but 1 sounds like you’re doing something wrong