Hey guys - I’ve been leveling up a sub rogue over the past few days and I’m interested in raiding as one going into Shadowlands. The only thing is every now and then when I use Shadowstrike I’ll fall through the terrain and be disconnected for like a minute or so until I die. I can only log back in when my character dies from the NPC I was fighting. It’s only happened 3 times so far but I’m wondering if this is something I should be wary of.
That is indeed a problem. Trouble is quality control with map clipping that have only gotten worse over time since Legion’s shocking downgrade in game quality (actual quality of game play)
Another complaint I have is that ShadowStrike teleports us in the first place giving us too much mobility, and in turn making Shadow Dance too powerful because of the 100% trainingwheels mechanic providing time on target for this ability, its dumb.