Shadowstep removed from Outlaw?

Please don’t do this. I know it’s because of the new talent that grants the extra charge of Grappling Hook, but if the Grappling Hook bug where it goes on full cooldown without actually doing anything is never going to be fixed (hasn’t been touched since 9.2), this is a MASSIVE nerf to Outlaw. Not to mention how essential Shadowstep is for rogues in PvP. The talent should just give the other rogue specs a 2nd charge (and let them keep it baseline), while Outlaw doesn’t have it baseline but can take it with the talent.

Please do not let this go live, Shadowstep has been such a blessing to finally have back since Dragonflight in the places where Grappling Hook just strictly does not work. And it’s a necessity for step > sap, step > kick, and most importantly step > kidney on an evading/parrying target in PvP. This seems like a very PvE-minded change that completely guts the spec for PvP where terrain eating a Grappling Hook (again, because of a bug) can literally mean life or death, or in some cases, win or lose.


It’s very likely they’ll push to remove Shadowstep from Outlaw regardless of how anyone thinks about it. They also really, REALLY don’t seem to want Outlaw to be viable in PvP.

It really does seem like they are trying to take the skill out of rogue, Thistle Tea being a passive and Shadowstep being removed in place of thrill seeking. It really does sound like Blizzard is trying to make rogue dummy proof, it’s the worst way to change the class. Rogue is known to be punishing to bad players and rewarding to good ones. Making it “easier” to play rogue is going to kill the class.