Shadowstep mouseover macro

So. I was using this macro a long time ago for mouseover shadowstep even with a currently target.

#showtooltip Shadowstep
/cast [@mouseover, exists][@target, exists] Shadowstep

That was a good macro so u can shadowstep a friend or neutral mob to run away and don’t die. But isn’t working since DF launch. It works for every macro, like blind and sap, but shadowstep. Anyone have an alternative macro?

Isnt there not supposed to be a space there? So it should be exists]Shadowstep.

Ill check my macro for it when i get home from work and post it if you havnt gotten an answer yet.

As far as I can tell, that space doesn’t matter if it’s there or not. I always use a space in mine. :x

I tested the above macro and it worked. Maybe it doesn’t in certain situations, I am not sure!

It is work for mobs, but when u have a player in your main target, u can’t shadowstep with mouseover to another target.

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Against hostile targets only? It works on friendly players, right?
E: Did some testing. I see what you mean. Seems like against hostile players, the mouseover part doesn’t work. But, it does work on friendly targets. Not sure what is up with that.

Yeah. That’s the point. It works for every others abilities and was working for shadowstep before the Dragonflight launch.

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/cast [@mouseover] shadowstep