Shadows Rising: Maiev, Tyrande, and Sira

Tyrande walked away after her emotional situation while Maiev and Shandris remained, as they have had “further questions” we don’t know what happened after that and if Sira is still in SW or not.

Maiev compared Sira to an injured fawn and wanted Tyrande to try to help and heal her.

So I’m not getting “In fact the Forsaken NEs could just walk back the the NEs and would be accepted, helped and cared for.” from this.

Not consumed by violence? Sure. Accepting, no.

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Sounds like she’s drunk or she a drunk. Either way it doesn’t fit.

That doesn’t mean they walk around covered in blood and hungry for battle. The warrior of just one aspect of the priestess. Just like being a healer is another one of their aspects.

That’s your opinion, which you’re entitled to. That does not however, mean that it is truer to who they are.

Can you? Because you weren’t critiquing the lore, you were telling us how you saw them from your perspective, that how that first paragraph read.

What you said was

And some of your other statements seemed to highlight this aspect of wildness or savagery. Maybe I read too much it that but I felt the need the point out that they live in harmony or balance with nature. Maybe it was because you used the word “wild”.

Rightfully so. It was a mess.

I think chasing Illidan down in Outland was dumb. Even after other tied to convince her what was happening.

Probably because they can’t. Maybe before they sided with Sylvanas, but not now.


There for example.


Regarding the scene at Darkshore…
Even if you don’t read that as “don’t accept undeath” the most I get out of it is “don’t betray us and go off with our enemy”.

I don’t get “undead or not, nothing has changed.”.

Well than that is up to you.
shrugs You are free to interprete things however you want of course.

Even when Tyrande rebutted that she could not save the fawn, Maiev insisted that Tyrande was still the type of person to try to any way.


Was that before or after she tortured or murdered children? They did have an option to go back and they didn’t take it.

Or it’s you’re still our sister regardless of what’s happened, come back to us? The leader of the night elves pleaded for them to come back, i don’t see how you interpret it as anything less unless you’re doing it on purpose which seems to be the case.


Generally speaking I figure this was sort of the route they’d go.

Sira needs some serious therapy, and she’s more likely to get that in the NEs. Maiev is … frustratingly level headed on the matter, but she does have a personal stake in Moonwarden I suppose. Feathermoon is Feathermoon. Her time working so closely with the Seventh Legion has definitely had an impact on how she thinks about things. And Tyrande is … well … we’ll see.

Also, as others have pointed out, seems that Sylvanas was using her Primes to play with the minds of those she ressurected a bit. Not shocking since she clearly doesn’t give a damned about Forsaken Free Will. Also not much on Summermoon … and I’m honestly not sure which way they’ll go with her. There is a part of me that would like for her to prove Sylvanas wrong, to not become a slave to her torment. Whether her doing so would have the most impact by returning to the NEs, or being a positive influence on the Forsaken … haven’t made up my mind on that yet.


Just say she is an Anduin bootlicker now. LMAO. It’s true.

I love Delaryn Summermoon (I may be biased because I like her voice actress <.<). She was the perfect example of how you introduce a character and make you like them. I really enjoyed working with her and wanted to know more about her in War of Thorns. I was actually sad when it turned out she was the one Sylvanas kills in the Warbringer video.

Anyways, I hope they do more with her, I just hope it is NOT with the Forsaken and Horde. Just no. She needs to come back to the Alliance and Night Elves.


Update, since just saw the full spread, and it is not just the Kyrian there:

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Which is what I was pointing out … uhm weeks ago and was shuned by Sylvanas and Horde fabois for it.

There is still that rumors around that the whole Forsaken NE story arc is just there to make a Dark Ranger class possible for the Alliance since that was probably the main reason we still not have that class around: There was no Alliance counterpart possible before.

So my bets are still on that one.
With Sira making the first hint towards showing the NEs accepting their risen sisters back into theri midest for them being not to blame for what has been done to them.

Sigh … in that she’s more worldly than most of the NE leadership, sure? How dare at least one of them prioritize rebuilding rather than blind revenge? Tho Maiev is coming off shockingly level headed in this encounter, I wonder if its because she has a personal vested interest in Sira’s fate?

Regardless, Summermoon is a odd character. Functionally she is a bit of a discount Feathermoon, and I’m of this weird mind where I’m trying to figure out which side of the fence would give her the most avenues for relevancy and growth; assuming she’s allowed the attention she needs. Is it with the NEs, where her calling card to differentiation is “dead elf”? Or it with the Forsaken, revamping the Dark Rangers from the ground up with Velonara?

I guess it depends on what vision Blizz has for her, but considering her circumstances it be a shame if she drifted back into the NE ranks only to be relegated to “dead Feathermoon”. With Sylvie and her most fanatic Dark Ranger loyalists gone … anyone with some gumption could make some serious changes with how the remaining Dark Rangers operate.

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Well would be very convenient for horde players to have NEs not focusing on revenge of course so they get a gain off scots free, woulnd’t it?.

Well that is an idea that is not very popular with the NE players.
So no Shandris is a disgusting and utterly destroyed character a serious bootlicker and shame.

I whished she would have dies instead of Delaryn. That character was great. Shadnris is … meh.


I vaguely remember someone saying that we encounter Delaryn’s lover in Shadowlands, don’t know if this is true or not though. So maybe they are planning something with her.

Although you may not be far off as far as her being a “dead Feathermoon” . What if she returns to the Night Elves to become the leader of the Sentinel Army? A way to gain redemption on her part. I could see them doing this especially if they are going to have Tyrande die, disappear, whatever and then make Shandris the new leader of the Night Elves.

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Her husband and he is dead and wonders how Delaryn is.
He is one of the souls you rescue.

Even if the NEs accept her back, I very much doubt they would ever accept her into a leadership position again. She is an entity of the death domain now, no matter how much they may like to ignore that. However, I think the biggest issue we have right now is we haven’t had a single real moment to figure out where her mindset is at. She seems more … lost than Sira? Less angry? More buried in her own thoughts? Despondent? Not much to go on.

Regardless, redemption can come in many forms. Redemption in the NEs? Depends on what she can do with and for them. Redemption elswhere? Depends on what she can do elsewhere? The only reason I’m even considering alternatives within the Forsaken ranks is that for the first time in the history of the Dark Rangers the Sylvanas Cult of Personality is gone. And its left a significant void that could be filled by more than just Velonara. Delaryn could make sure that group will never threaten the living ever again. If she plays her cards right and has the right mindset.

It’s true: