Shadow's Edge Blood Infusion Quest Completion Bug

After attempting to solo Blood Queen Lana’thel a few days ago, I used the commonly used solo method (logging in and logging out within the windows of server time that register a character’s placement), and upon fulfilling the explicit completion requirements mentioned both in the quest itself and visible in numerous YouTube guides of biting 3 allies/biting 3 times, upon killing BQL, the quest did not get marked as completed in my quest log.

A few things to note:

  • I spoke to a GM, whom after a bit of back and forth, informed me that the reason I didn’t get quest completion is because (in their words),

“Keep in mind that bitten players must die in order for the group to receive credit for this quest.”

This was a very perplexing answer from a GM. Nevertheless, I investigated further.
In numerous/ guides and videos, some as recent as this year, and with comments as recent as a day or two ago explicitly confirming the GM’s statement to be incorrect. After telling them this, they told me to post it here.

In the videos I’m talking about (but 3 of literal dozens on YouTube all confirming this) you can witness it for yourself which I’ve timestamped for your convenience. Within those videos, they all show the player acquiring quest completion after doing the 3 necessary things.

  1. Wield shadow’s edge
  2. Bite 3 allies
  3. Kill the boss
    In this video, you can see that upon the third bite, the guide says “There you go, third Bite!”. The player then proceeds to kill Queen Lana’thel, and at the 9:00 mark it clearly says “Infuse Shadow’s Edge with Blood then defeat Lana’thel (Complete)”. -

    Right where I’ve timestamped this one, exact same scenario. You can even see the 3 allies on the left (in the party frames) with HP at 100% on top of being able to see their models standing still, alive. -

    In this last video, it shows the exact same things, but the noteworthy part is that there are many, many, comments as recently as 2 days ago that confirm that what is shown in the video, which was: Player wielding shadow’s edge bites 3 allies, allies not dying during the encounter, and as soon as 5 seconds after the 3rd bite, killing Lana’thel grants quest completion.

In most examples, all of the allies are alive (which is more than likely to be the case when you’re doing this with max level characters in a 14 year old raid. In other examples, one or two allies die. And in rarer examples (of videos from 10+ years where where characters are level-appropriate), the allies are all dead.

But the outcome is the exact same every time.

For a final bit of clarity, I should note that in my attempt, all 3 allies lived, I had bitten each once, and after making absolutely sure that every quest parameter was met, exactly like in every tutorial video, killed BQL to no completion.

The fact that this is locked to a one-try-per-week format and is explicitly not working, is both stressful and frustrating. The entire ordeal of pulling off this solo method as well as making certain you do not accidentally 1 shot the boss made of glass makes this enough of a sweaty palm circumstance already. All of that just for it to bug out is incredibly frustrating and makes me apprehensive of going to all of that effort again just to either accidentally hit the boss, or worse, do it as required and get the same buggy end result.

Please fix, and please fix quickly. Thank you.

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I have the same problem. (also went through the same process of opening a ticket and received the same response.) Did you manage to solve it?

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As is typical with bugs, I did it the following week and it worked for me. Didn’t do anything differently, however I made certain to kill her with shadow’s edge auto attacks only, (which took about 40 seconds) since I was paranoid that killing her too quickly after all 3 bites wouldn’t properly flag the game as a proper quest completion (Despite all of the videos killing her within seconds of the third bite).

I also made sure to just re-log into my alts once each after the 3rd bite so the game could 100% register them as “there” and not offline. Hope that helps!

Did you “tag” the boss first with Shadowmorne? Step 1 explicitly requires that you tag the boss with the actual weapon (without killing her), and at that point you should have an actual “debuff” of some sort before she bites you. I had to go in naked wielding the weapon auto-attack a couple times so I didn’t just obliterate her by looking at her.

Bite 3 players. Debuff changes to a different debuff, then it’s safe to finish.

But yea, a good 90% of the time maybe, the GMs are clueless and give false information or bad answers.

Yessir/ma’am! Myself and my alts were all 100% nekkid, and all had no items equipped besides myself holding Shadow’s Edge. Like I said before to Mr. Tauren, I did the exact same thing the following week/lockout, but with 125% more paranoia and managed to complete it lol. Sucks that older content bugs pretty much mean absolute bottom of the barrel for fix priority, so we’re left to figure stuff out for ourselves.

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Thanks everyone. I decided to try again after reading the responses and managed to get my completion this week! I think this was the step that I overlooked.

What I did differently this time from the previous times:

  1. Start the fight by hitting Lana’thel once with Shadow’s Edge.
  2. Jumped between two WoW clients instead of alt + f4 for a smoother switch.
  3. Auto-attacked Lana’thel to death instead of blitzing after the 3 bites.

As mentioned, I suspect step 1 might be the step that prevented me from getting completion the previous time.

I did not re-log onto the alts as Forrtress did so I do not think that is necessary. Thanks all, hope this thread benefits future Shadowmourne seekers.

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I just had the same issue today on my level 51 pally. I’ve been doing this off and on for close to 10 years with 2 accounts and this is the first time it has ever happened. I think the only thing I did differently was throw a Judgment to start the fight instead of running up to her and auto-attacking. I believe she needs to be hit with Shadow’s Edge at least once before you are bitten before the game recognizes that you are wielding it.

Necro again, I put in a ticket, but I did this with 3 people helping, got blood mirror, bit all 3, and then killed her with Shadow’s Edge equipped. Verified that an autoattack hit her first in the combat log, but no quest completion.