Shadows broken

Logged into the PTR and first thing I see is shadows that are seemingly attached to nothing locked onto the screen. Its almost as if someone has taken pastel or chalk and wiped it across the screen and the shadows dont go away until I move far enough away. The shadows appear to be what the structure I would see when a new set of shadows should loud in, ex. flying toward a tower in Orgrimmar will have the shadows of the tower transfixed on the screen. Turning shadow quality to low fixes the issue but im not entirely sure if this is a me problem or a game problem.

The dungeons dont work!!! Not able to zone into them or que for them via dungeon finder!!!

Could make your own post and not derail another thread.

I too am invested in figuring this out. A unique thread would likely get more attention.

I have the same problem. I have the same settings between live and ptr and this does not happen on live, so the problem is with the ptr version.

I dont even have this issue on retail. Its just cataclysm classic PTR that has this issue.