Shadowpriest T2 Set Bonuses

They are a$$. IDK who thought this up but they need to take another look at it lol. We only get spirit tap when something dies and when we actually get the killing blow. If something dies we are attacking and we don’t get the killing blow then we don’t get spirit tap. Basically what you’re saying is we get a 2.5% chance during boss fights to do 20% more damage with our DoTs “ONLY” when spirit tap is active. Those are possibly the worst i’ve ever seen in my 20 year career playing WoW.

Thank god we can just “core forge” our T1 set bonuses onto our new gear because there is no way anyone is going to use it…

The only way that will be viable is if you increase that to 10%. That might not even be enough because Mind Flay hits hard on our 6 piece bonus for T1 Its almost a 400 dps increase without it.

You did misread a bit, although they are still bad. The 4p gives you a chance for SW:P to proc Spirit Tap on each tick regardless of if the target dies. It’s still a laughably low proc rate and the priest discord is planning on running 6p core-forged and 2p draconic.

If you reach 40% crit the 2p is good because you can MS MS MB MF SW:D and repeat.

I’m also unhappy with our class trinket, make it work with our dots so we can snapshot them and it’ll be perfect, but otherwise it’s a waste and I’ll be running TOEP (if I ever get one) and the new shadow/frost damage one.

2.5% proc on a tier set is such an insane thing

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This might never proc in most fights since they are like a minute long at most.

You can get the spirit tap by swp a mob and it dies to anyone. It also works on grey mobs and critters…which is going to make an annoying parse meta of either needing to pull immediately after a rage mob dies, or using dig rats or something (I just tested this) . The buff also snapshots so if you get it mid-combat, you’ll need to pop trinkets/PI etc and reapply dots to get the snapshot up, which is very annoying. If you don’t have this buff going into the pull you’re going to be far behind