Been playing this game long yet no one has ever told me about their lore. Did they betray jesus or sumn?
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They were former Druid players that found Jesus. They moved them to a neighboring church and since they were saved sinners, they couldn’t utilize the powers of light but could the ones of shadow. Boom, thus the emergence of shadow priests.
They’re just Holy Priest players that are going through a phase, at the end of the phase they reroll Discipline
Spriest lore is that you get your gameplay drastically changed every expansion, with zero cohesion and simultaneously conflicting themes between Old God Void and traditional Shadow magic.
Also, your spec’s perk is that you have an inverse relationship to PvE and PvP. The crappier you are in PvE, the better you are in PvP.
they found a sword and turned to the chaos gods
To make this simple as possible.
Every caster gets it’s power from a plane. You’re plane of power is the void, different from the Fel(warlock power).
Now, why priests became shadow, or the events in doing so, I’m not sure tbh, because casting from the void, and being a shadow priest, is probably too different things. Just as being fel, and being a warlock are too different things.
They are priest who like to melt faces.