Shadowpriest in shadowlands LUL

That’s how Shaman have been for the past three expansions.
Remember how at the start of BfA, the Dev team literally said “We didn’t have time for Shaman, you guys have to wait.”, and didn’t get touched until 8.1.5?

Yeah, it sucks. And that’s why I play Holy now.


Seems as if shadow is taking on that role of the odd one out now and will most likely receive the same treatment shaman did.

I feel like they pick a class that is the least played than choose to focus development resources on classes with more play-time.

Have you seen the Void Cultists? Shadowmoon Orcs in two days got void fire on their feet, everybody opens Void Portals (that VE didn’t get as a racial, sucks), bigger void bolts, Power Word: Shield void themed.

Shadow Priest is like a void wannabe if you compare it with NPCS that carry 2 silver and 3 cooper since WOD.

Void Eruption and Void form look cool, though. And those Apparitions that only you can see, not the others in the party. Sighs


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That’s basically how I’ve taken to playing it. Voidform was super one-trick in Legion which, I guess if you really liked that one trick, was fun I guess. Now it doesn’t even have that one trick, so it just feels unwieldy, especially in solo or other content where stuff doesn’t live long.

Soooo… This is basically how I use Voidform in most day to day play; sit on it pull a bunch of stuff, use it for aoe, pull a single, wind it back up, do aoe again, and so on. For the most part, I don’t even bother to hit the button if I can’t aoe, because the stuff is going to die quickly anyway, and I’ll spend most of the duration just floating around looking voidy.

It probably doesn’t help that the payoff is ‘OoOoOoooo now I get to do the same thing a tad faster and weave in void bolt!’. I guess the crux of it, for me, is that it just feels more like a chore to deal with than something I’m excited to press, most of the time.


The fun i find with it is timing it with pulls in dungeons, can feel rewarding to crank out AOE burst.

Just a shame other classes can do the same thing on a more regular basis with less effort and better single target damage & CC.

"we’d rather you didn’t play shadow"™


They said the same thing for Shadow too. They admitted that spriest and shamans were not finished in time for launch, and that they would be getting reworks. Shaman players seem to be getting something like that, but so far Shadow has gotten nothing.

The current state of Shadow in SL is this. Log onto live, take off your neck and azerite gear. That is currently Shadow in Shadowlands. Spriest is one of the most gear dependent specs in the game, it will be dead on arrival if nothing is done.


Shadow has such a wide range of bad talents, it’d be great if one of them were like the legion legendary that allowed Mind Sear to spread DoTs (without the voidform requirement ofc).

Also, if they remove voidbolt and replace it of devouring plague I would complain at all. Voidform is a freaking mess anyways.

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The fact that people don’t understand this reference is a total r/woosh moment

Or rather they’re sour about the fact that people still use that statement. Especially when the spec needs serious fixing. Shadow started out as the budget warlock. I don’t think anyone denies that fact.


Yknow what’d be neat? If you went venthyr and all your spells became blood mage esqu spells.

If they got rid of Voidform I’d need to find a new class to play with this guy.

This was the golden age of SPriest. Rotation was fast like Voidform, without the asinine gimmicks. Our dots were formidable. We weren’t gated behind Shadow Orbs to use Devouring Plague. I actually liked my dps having a very slight raid heal attached.

Cataclysm’s Mind Sear and non-mandatory Shadow Orbs were definitely a welcome introduction though.

True. But, name for me one other class that takes 40~50 seconds to ramp back up? What if YOUR class took 50 seconds to ramp back up into average? Tell me how that is healthy design when 90% of all combat closes in 20 seconds.


Cata was the last expansion before they went overboard on the pruning. I remember Pinch Tanking on DKs or Arms Warriors. I remember Pinch Healing on Shaman or Priest.

Mists removed that as an option by gutting almost our entire toolkits.


Destro takes 2 minutes and 10 seconds to do damage again shrug. Fire mage is also a 2 minute andy.


Dots are actually getting a further nerf for SP in SL. :face_vomiting:

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They took feedback from Classic. So if you roll priest you are healing, like it or not

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Leaving a class unfinished at the launch of an expansion? They’d NEVER do that. /s

It feels like they’re already falling behind by spending far too much time trying to get Torghast right. Legendaries (Something that will actually apply to the gameplay 24/7 like class design) are unseen and untested. These need to be in the game sooner rather than later. Don’t need to really sound the alarms unless they aren’t out with the release of beta.

They’re falling into the same traps again - Spending way too much time on a smaller aspect of the game with Torghast, instead of fixing the part of the game most people are spending 90% of their time (The open world, M+, Dungeons, Raids, PvP), where design and these legendaries will likely apply.

Torghast must be where they’re going to slap the “Stay subbed or fall way behind” systems - since they tend to focus heavily on those carrot-on-a-stick timegated sub bait mechanics more than the actual gameplay.


Speaking as a rogue be careful what you ask to be removed, you’ll be disappointed

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