Shadowmoon Alliance Reconnections

Anyone from The Daily Grind Let’s do this! Leroy Jenkins, style.

Definitely lol I still chat with some of people from the old guild

Def remember this guy lol

Sylax, warlock and Jinky, warrior in Lnstinct and later Silver Reign.

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Naww I was in TWS :slight_smile: Not for long as I went and joined Lost Soldiers but some of those names seem familiar!

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No shirt? I had a baby druid named Raxy!

I think I remember that name short for something else though right

Yeah. :slight_smile: Trying not to say it publicly though

Nutella still plays! I’ve passed your comment on!

Karrl doesn’t play anymore, not sure if they will be coming back for classic.

Can’t help you with any of the others.

I was mostly a low level scrub in Vanilla, so people are more likely to remember my chars from BC on: Huristava / Vzvoryka

Aw man, Karl was one of my favorite dudes ever! I was kind of basing my decision on a return based on how many former guildies I could find because my time in TWS were my best memories from WoW hands down, I never in the decade following that time period could find the same level of camaraderie and positive social interaction as I had there. I was one of the only active Americans in the guild and I stayed up til 7am every night so I could be on their time schedule lmao oh man…good times

edit: ask Nutella if she remembers me trying to fight her for the Rainbow Girdle in Strat for my warrior, she needed it as a paladin and I was such a nublet back then I said I needed it more because it was an upgrade (even though it had int) hahaha that’s one of my fondest memories, she eventually caved and gave me the stupid belt too haahaa omg it was after I logged back on my warrior for the first time in years that I saw the belt on my toon and remembered that incident and felt so dumb haha

Folem, female night elf warrior, main tank United Horde Slayers later known as Damaged Goods.

I remember Reaction, Noga, Borister, Puffic, Ravenstar, Pareisimo, Xanister, Isolis, Hakon, Mysticpriest, Cohler, silverback

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Oody- Cant remember all the guilds I was in. Lego of War stands out
Pvp’d alot with Damaged goods

Seeing alot of old names…pretty damn cool people are still playing!!
Silverback and his PUG MC’s
Bora and his cockyness
Shamrokk Is still kicking lol, wasnt there two of you???

Rip Shadowmoon


Oh wow Mcbinaca. The man who raids without pants always. It’s Akeri here, former druid healer of Afterlife. How goes life man? Planning on playing classic?

any chance you will bring eternals back?? i have strong memories of how eternals was one of the top guilds in vanilla. i’ve always wanted to join.

hey man we were guildies in lego of war! i remember silverbacks pug MC’s and how literally everyone hated him for master looting gear to his friends lol

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Gobbstopper - human, paladin
strongest guild i remember is Lego Of War
i would like to know if Winterchill, Thizzordie are still playing and anyone else that remember ever playing with me

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What’s up Akeri? :slight_smile: Life is good man. I am not currently planning on playing classic. While it was a great time and I have very fond memories of it, I dont have much desire to play that version of wow again. Currently playing FFXIV and awaiting the next wow xpac.

No worries lol good to see someone else from that guild I still sometimes talk to Shnnugs

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Grymm - male dwarf warrior, KoHF and Atomic Rage. Still in contact with a lot of that guild. Getting some of the gang back for classic.


That stupid belt, i did eventually get it again but i do remember when it dropped the first time. Karl is the only ex guildy i’m still in contact with Jip and Seth kinda dropped off when BC came out and we disbanded the guild.

Nutella - Female Paladin - TWS AUS, TWS Sanity, Down Under Wolf Pack