Shadowmoon Alliance Reconnections

That was only until we got it correct lmao

Denolm dwarf hunter Cahmpions of Light

What you talkin’ about Willis?

Darkann, dwarf pally , Also Darkan Undead Mage.

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Hey all, Icedragoon NE Rogue, rogue class lead for a bit (icedraghoon can’t remember) was in the guild TND. hit me up anyone that was in that guild.

Harbringer, NE Druid from Instinct(Lnstinct). Later known as Bordello, Draenei Warrior during BC.

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Sephy, Female Human Warrior, looking for my m8s from TWS AUS!

Bigmidget, Popicle, Karlmagus, Nutella, Twighurdler, I can’t remember everyone’s names now but all you boons!

Venena NE Druida from Myst, Replica and Faith.


Sup Darkan.
This is Venena.

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Felessen, NE male Rogue – Caidessa Human female Priest
Was in many guilds, mostly recall Resurrection & Anthem
My friends: Zyron, Dylilah, Esamune, Ciathos, Venn, Knightengale, Reklzz, Levon, Incendia, Darknucleus, Everlee…many many more


NE rogue, named Hyatch. Most prominent guild I was in and looking for people from The Elite Guard.

Telrunya!!! Where are you??? Lost contact entirely after AIM (lol) was discontinued.

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NE hunter Eruiongyll here. Posting as Eruiongyll and rerolling as the same. I led Guardians of Teldrassil as well as Night Sanctum in the early days. Was also in Lost Soldiers/ United Horde Slayers(???) during Wrath or late TBC I believe…one of those was led by Manaburn? May have been in a few others, I just can’t recall.
Vanilla and TBC was def Guardians of Teldrassil.

Yeah where you at Prayer? I always saw Prayer while I was world Pvping until sometime after Wrath.

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Hello old friends.

Naut here - former nightelf warrior

Did a ton of PvP with a lot of you as well as many raids with multiple of the high tier guilds.

Ardon - NE Druid
Netrocity- Human Warlock

Played in various different guilds. Wherever the pvp was, i went.

I see some familiar names already!

Beasthunter - NE Hunter (Nemesis, TotalLosers, Destiny, Eternals)

  • Miridis, Night Elf Druid female
  • Guild names are hard to remember for me. I do remember PainTrain

I’m bad with names, but there was a nice guy from Australia who helped me buy my first epic mount by lending me some money. It was the Swift Frostsaber. I still owe you money, man! You quit WoW before I could pay you back!

Whisperwind was a dwarf hunter I used to hang out with and PvP with now and again.

Iscariot was a female human warrior who main tanked raids for my guild, which I don’t remember the name of. It might have been Paintrain. I vividly remember the raid leader yelling “HEAL ISCARIOT, HEAL ISCARIOT!” In Vent

Curse my inability to remember names!

Whatup my lil noobs

Nineball - NE Rogue, Supreme gank0r



Manaburn was also the leader of Champion’s of Light, on his pally Moroni i believe his name was werent you in CoL also for a bit?