Shadowmeld Nerf

I’m glad to see more racials being changed, but I think Shadowmeld should be nerfed as well. It’s extremely strong in M+ and can make or break a key. Other “instant exit” effects typically have a short duration or a lengthy cooldown, so I’d say Shadowmeld should be given a specific stealth duration and/or a slow once you exit it.


No, go eat rocks.


You can’t deny how OP it is


Second this. Buffs are nice, but shadowmeld is on a different scale when it can negate whole mechanics, spells and abilities across pve and pvp.


Shadowmeld just needs a significant CD increase if used in combat (e.g. to 5 minutes)


Shadowmeld has been this way since WotLK not sure why retail babies are demanding it be changed now of all times. The race isn’t even that popular and has nothing else going for it, literally their next major racial requires them to both die and run from the GY to their corpse FFS.

Give other races new abilities. Why nerf? This community is so negative. Just suck all the fun out of playing everything till it’s stale and boring.


Night Elves…aren’t popular? :exploding_head:


Man that is some good bait that I won’t be eating


:joy: straight faced and everything.


Shared misery. A very vocal minority complained that playable dragons were too fun, so that got nerfed. Now? Yeah, nerf it all. If running down hill in a straight line a little faster is game breaking, I don’t even know what you call something like Shadowmeld. Might as well nerf everything.


Shadowmeld should only work in combat when solo and not in pvp.


Honestly Shadowmeld isn’t that strong in PVP because there are so many DoTs floating around. Players need to be rewarded for a change for using abilities correctly and timely. And other racials need to be buffed in PVP so they do not take forever to use with long GCD times (eg Nightborne).

For PVE I can see the argument which is why Blood Elf Arcane Torrent was changed as the on demand silence and resource return was strong for M+.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


you know its very strong for feral and rogues

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Uh, shadowmeld is near useless this season. They’ve already nerfed it. Anything that previously was trivilized by it now just has it recast on someone else or on you.

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i would agree on that the racial is to much powerful even in pvp specialy rogue and druid it’s just to much that like rogue have 3 vanish and druid have a free vanish coupled with they insane dps


use shadow cloak to remove debuff coupled with the pvp talent and there you go a free vanish just for you

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I would put stoneform as another ability that is dramatically better than other racials. Honestly, I don’t know how Blizzard could balance some of these racials in M+, pvp, and raiding. In my opinion, if their goal is to encourage diversity of races, the only real options is to get rid of racials.

As is, these changes will do virtually nothing.

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I mean for me and my Lightforged Pally, I’m pretty happy. Meta slaves are so funny cause it’s not like anything in WoW is so impossibly hard that a racial is putting you over the top.


Buffing weak racials is great, but Shadowmeld, Fireblood, and Stoneform need to be addressed. Shadowmeld has multiple issues, but my main beef is the brief moment of immunity. Fireblood and Stoneform remove so many important debuffs in m+ and PvP, all while granting additional benefits. I don’t want these racials nerfed into the gutter but they do need a nerf.

Also, Will to Survive should be redesigned. It’s totally useless for healers in PvP because the shared cooldown and a healer’s PvP trinket are both 1 min 30 sec. In PvE, it’s more situational than e.g. Light of the Naaru or Darkflight, which is odd for a popular / beginner race. It could be changed to something like: Increases max health by 15%, reduces damage taken by 5%, and reduces healing reductions by half for 8 sec (2 min CD). That would be generally useful for all roles in PvE and PvP (and the numbers can be adjusted for either side of the game).


But taking a PVP talent and using CloS means they can not use it with Vanish or offensively with Shadow Dance so it is a trade off.

Plus, a lot of NE Rogues use Sub and Sub does no damage outside of dance/stealth windows in PVP. “An extra” vanish isn’t going to move the needle for burst or survivability for a spec that is very squishy at the moment.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: