Anyone else feel like Shadowlands started off with sooo many compelling stories and paths to follow in terms of Lore, and then feel like by the time we got to Zerith Mortis it all just completely fell apart.
First and foremost - Arthas whom is the most iconic character in Warcraft had no part in Shadowlands other than his little cloudy spirit blowing away like a fart in the wind! Why did Sylvannis get a moment to talk in that scene. She is still hard to trust and is not the one we care about at this point. Uther is the one that dammed him to the Maw and he did say a word. Not Im sorry or anything. Jaina didn’t get to say good bye to his spirit. She was in love with him for crying out loud! she never got closure. EVERYTHING about this was a total plot flop!
The epic showdown with Syvannis and Tyrande was cut short and also NEVER resolved! WHat the Hell. We waited such a long time for nothing again! Tyrande needs revenge and teldrasil needs justice.
The enlightened are so rediculous and so are the cartel. Literally no one thinks they are cool and they botch the lore. They do not feel like supreme beings in ANY WAY IMAGINABLE!!! Zerith Mortis sounds like a dark scary area and should have been something epic. I mean sure its kind of pretty but it looks unfinished. They say that is on purpose I say that is total BULL! Where did the creativity in world of warcraft go. This is literally in my history of warcraft, not just WOW, but Warcraft where the story is REALLY falling apart.
Oh yeah like how you seen Anduin has been redeemed of the jailers domination BEFORE freeing him in the raid. Yeah that made no sense.
Jaine, Thrall, and Bane also seemed important and virtually had no part in the plot.
The fact that there is no longer a Litch King really bothers me! Now DKs are soo leaderless and boring! It just feels like they have Zero direction and are just winging everything at this point. I have never been disappointed in Lore until now.