It’s great! Simple weapons in high resolution. Some people like less busy items.
But… How about armor? I’ve seen in beta that the Exile’s reach is using one of the tints from the initial BfA pvp sets… I hope these are placeholders and they indeed add unique new, SIMPLER, items to that zone.
And even better if they could revisit the level 1 starter items in HD/+polygons, and also made green-quality so they can be xmogged.
Yeah, not going to lie, this is kinda nice to see. It’s nice to see Swords that are just Swords and such. These are seriously some of the best looking weapon models I have seen in a while. Would love to see some new armor sets to go along with them.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t outright hate excessively high fantasy items like what we get but its also nice to see some items that are a bit more grounded once in a while.
This is what BFA should have been. Bring everything way back down. Realistic weapons and armor (stylized in the World of Warcraft way of course). Start at a base level before you start bringing it back up. Instead it was actually an Old Gods expansion with Titans and Space Monsters. The whole point of having BFA after Legion was to have a soft reset and they bungled it.
Hopefully the new leveling experience serves that purpose more effectively.
I really liked the daggers in particular. I have a rogue and I always go for the vanilla items because more recent dagger models are um… not very ‘rogue-ish’.
It’s amazing that I’ll get a couple of options now in HD!
I’d love an actual hood, or something like that. The closest thing to a simple hood that is not 10+ years old is a mail head item from WoD, I think.
Edit: Or the hood I’m using in my xmog, but that’s a cloth only item… -_-
Honestly, I am high fantasy burnt out at this point personally. I could go for some more grounded content next expansion after Shadowlands. Rule of cool is neat and all but I wouldn’t be opposed to dialing things back a few notches.
I would LOVE for some good, down to earth, Chain Mail armor (preferably not exclusive to the “plate” category)
Like… just some good old fashioned fantasy armors to play around with. I seriously would love some more low fantasy armor.
The wooden handles look really nice. I mean, they will mostly be covered by the hands but the weapons legitimately look great.
Yeah, I would not be opposed to the addition of some more simple items. Like, when they added the white hood, the bonnet or whatever, I was overjoyed.
Exactly, especially because it could be worn by plate wearers. There is also another simple hoodie in BfA that I just remembered, but again, leather only.
I was quite surprised though, by the datamined Scarlet Crusade shield. Don’t get me wrong, I love the item, but it seems… a bit odd of be available in the Exile’s reach experience. Unless there’s something else behind it, or it’s just an update to the old Scarlet Crusade shield.
I hope you’re able to transmog them. I like the simplistic looks and not having millions of skulls, glow, spikes, twice your size and weird stuff on sets and weapons.
say what you will about vanilla, but blizzard did it right with weapons and tier sets. Yes they are over used transmog sets now but they still look awesome.
Those are fantastic! So clean! So real! Those warglaives almost make me want to roll a DH! They’re just so elegant! And I’m gonna use the swoopy, rusty daggers on my Vulpera Rogue 100%!