Shadowlands will be a cataclysmic failure, Wod+BfA combined levels

A majority of these people are hooting baboons that if they don’t see 1-million in damage they fling their filth onto the walls and hoot. They don’t care for story, only shiny objects and huge numbers to satisfy their monkey brain.


Maybe it will be great, maybe it will be terrible.

If it’s great, I’ll be having fun.

If it’s terrible, I’ll be having fun specifically to spite you.


Congrats, you got two things right in this rant. Yes, Shadowlands is the name of the next expansion, and it is still the name of the next expansion.

I thought bfa was a ton of fun. I leveled and geared like 20 alts during it. Decided since gear is gonna matter in shadow lands to focus on 4 toons. A Druid and pally on alliance and a priest and warrior on horde. I’m actually gonna main the priest and do mythic+ and raids on him and do more pvp than I’ve done in years come the expansion cuz I can get good gear for pvp from pvp. If they follow through on what they’ve said it’ll be a great time to have an actual main instead of five hundred WQ/lfr alts. I am so excited for this expansion.

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I actually think BfA was better at launch then 8.2 and on

I tested the Maw when there was nothing there. There are definitely things to do there now.

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How did I miss this one? OH well here it is now.

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You guys sound like that guy that’s always spewing the world is going to end on a specific date like in 2012. They even made a movie about it too! Yeah, I admire your opinion but with all these changes still happening, I believe blizzard will nail it.



Asking for an expansion that isn’t completely broken is being hard to please?


Eh some of us have no better game to play lol been subbed since BC and most likely will til the game or my life ends. Nothing else to do for a hobby anywho. Long as I make gold to pay sub. I enjoy watching where this flaming ship will go.

Clearly it won’t be long before the forums are full of either “See!! I Told You So!!” posts or “Gee, I guess I was wrong” posts.

We will know soon enough… which OPs will be crying in their sleep, and which OPs will also be crying in their sleep, but for different reasons.

Again saying this expansion is completely broken when it hasn’t launched yet is extremely hyperbolic

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Wasn’t lack of open world content, barren wastelands and no progression system to keep the player occupied being something the entire playerbase wanted?

Also farming gold from world quest will no longer be a thing due to the lack of abundance.

I played beta and I agree with the OP.

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Wotlk level of ready ? Lol
They all have issues. Its bug this… Empty that… I don’t like this…

This expansion has issues but its far from being a cataclysmic failure. Maybe watch little less streamers and Youtube doom and gloom creators.


I have been playing this game for 12 years and every single patch/expansion is going to kill the game and these ridiculous people think they’re right this time.

I suspect about two months in is when we will see a mass exodus.

Torghast, Maw… You can make good single player content. Even Great. But single player content that stays great for more than a month? With this game? And you know they will tie it into some sort of weekly progression check list.

With Horrific visions, right when you got to the point where you could say “screw it, not doing these anymore” They moved the goalpost a mile down the road with purchasable corruption. And where was the best place to farm the currency for that?

And that’s assuming it’s all finished and polished. If it’s an unfinished mess of bugs…


Whatever man. This year was totally compromised by the pandemic. I’m just thankful that they will pull the expansion before 2021. If the game is garbage I’ll unsub and not whine.

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Like 90% of the forums is making fun of Blizzard and calling them out on everything, what forums have you been going to?

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