It is that time of the game cycle where you get a chance to show off your UI as we move into the next expansion! Let’s see what you got!
I’ll start off first with a screenshot of mine which tries to consolidate information a bit and show my offensive cooldowns on the nameplates!
Sorry I am not liked enough to show the image in the forum but let me know what you all think and share your own screenshots!
It’s neat and tidy I will give it that.
But I dislike how tiny the ability icons are.
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I get that! I personally never look at my main action bars so I made the ones I memorized super small so I could move abilities if I really needed and made the defensive abilities really big so they were easy to track! Everyone has their own UIs that they enjoy so and I really wanna see what everyone has for them. Share some screens!
Fair enough.
I also like the area of the map.
THis is from my Kul Tiran Arms Warrior.
Pretty much the same set up for all my toons
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Clean UI. some might call it basic but i think it’s good.
That looks really nice! Very clean and concise.
I have a few things set up for mouse over . I wanted it so I could see everything right in front of me and have a large area to view for fighting.
Thanks for sharing my screenshot! One day I will make it to the big boi league
Wow that’s clean. I like poopy.
Thanks! What does your UI look lie?
My UI this expac.
Slowly making changes. Reincorporating my kgpanels to the UI (I made an art addon years ago, I haven’t used in forever).
Same UI as ever, just fewer buttons.
I like how minimalist the UIs are now a days. Both of yours is really clean.
What art addon did you make a few years ago? That sounds pretty awesome.
it’s called Juju’s kgpanels. It’s on Curse and WoW interface but I haven’t really updated it in years.
That looks intense! Are you thinking about getting back into updating it?
Eventually. It still works but you have to click “Load out of date” addons. There’s an error message that comes up when you log in, however, it seems to work fine otherwise.
Are those buttons made for ants?
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I like to keep things simple and closer to the base game UI. I just move things up and move them closer together.