Quest: The Authority of Revendreth
Upon speaking to The Fearstalker, there’s a grammatical error - “Ah, a orc…”
This should be “Ah, an orc…”
Quest: The Authority of Revendreth
Upon speaking to The Fearstalker, there’s a grammatical error - “Ah, a orc…”
This should be “Ah, an orc…”
It’s either that, or that they meant “…are awaiting the Archon’s arrival”
Quest: “Awaken the Dreamer”
The following looks odd:
“Come stranger, let us see what fate…”
“Come, stranger. Let us see what fate…”
Mistress Mihaela the court of harvesters quartermaster>item: Spectral Hankderchief says it needs “frinedly” with court of harvesters to purchase
Disenchanted Sinful Aspirant’s Silk Mantle and received a Veiled Crystal
Quest: Mushroom For Improvement
“Sprinke” should be “Sprinkle”.
That’s an A+ pun in the title, btw. What I’m really hoping is that when I finish the quest series I get a mushroom porter named bello.
Quest: Aiding Revendreth
NPC: Blodwyn in the Heart of the Forest in Ardenweald
When she gives you the quest the first line says, “We do not turn out backs on our allies”. It should instead say “our”.
When passing the NPC El’derath in the Claw’s Edge area of Ardenweald, he greeted me by saying: “It is good that you help us defend the forest, $Ghuntsman:huntress.”
NPC: Clarion Song
Location: Glitterfall Basin, Ardenweald
Grammatical Error: “How can I possibly maintain my dapper good looks, charming demeanor, and virtuoso singing when my beauty rest is constantly disrupted!”
Fix: “How can I possibly maintain my dapper good looks, charming demeanor, and virtuoso singing when my beauty rest is constantly disrupted?”
(The exclamation point should actually be a question mark.)
On the Venthyr Mission Table, the mission “Campaign: Discarded But Not Useless.”
The enemy mob has an ability called “Bitting Winds.” Seems like it should be “Biting.”
quest name: skin in the game
quest text:
“Emini’s Magnificent Skin obtained”
“0/1 Emeni’s Magnificent Skin”
In “By Any Other Name” in Maldraxxas, the end of the quest description is either cut off or missing punctuation.
A consistency error I just noticed…
After accepting the quest “An Uneventful Stroll”, Lost Sybille says “Shrouded turn when ruins burn. They will learn”, but the text in the log says “He will learn”
…in addition that Theotar repeatedly mentions “Lady Sybille” but the texts involving her say “Lost Sybille”
Quest: “Our Eternal Charge”
Description text, first paragraph:
There will many challenges ahead of us[…]
There is a missing “be” in the sentence.
Quest: Renny the Vulpin
Location: Varies, Ardenweald
NPC: Renny
Typo: “<The small vulpin kit runs up to you with a cheerful bounce and and air of mischief.>”
Fix: “<The small vulpin kit runs up to you with a cheerful bounce and an air of mischief.>”
Quest: What’s My Motivation?
Text: A buff you get during this quest named “As Themselves” (Spell ID 312489) has a description of “Performing scenes of daring do!” The proper term is “derring-do”.
I am unable to transmog. I did exactly what the directions stated to do to fix this issue, and it still hasnt gone away.
Adventure Guide > Theater of Pain > Mordretha Overview > Tank.
“[Reaping Scythe] inflicts heavy Phsyical and Shadow damage”
Blackbale Lookout in Revendreth says “The might of Maldraxxus protects me”, this is the wrong zone, it should say the might of Revendreth or Denathrius or what have you.
The Nature’s Control placeholder spell incorrectly says “Placeholder for level 60 talented ability” instead of properly saying level 35 with the level squish.