I made the mistake of choosing Story Mode on my boosted DK, now I apparently have to do the whole campaign to be able to choose a covenant. Supposedly I’m supposed to be able to switch back to Thread of Fate at any time by talking to the Fatescriber…but he doesn’t offer any option to do so. How do I fix this?
You don’t.
Lovely, thank you.
I have found out that if you actually don’t start shadowlands until level 60 (but by this time we’re doing DF anyway so why?) you actually STILL can do Threads of fate, but ONLY… once you hit level 60. But it seems to be broken in that it will let you choose the covenant but not do the recommended Zone clearings for it since well… that was for that expansions end game catch up mechanics. But if you wanted to get the covenant on that toon you still can.
There was a menu to choose Thread of Fate and I made the mistake of not choosing it. Now, there’s no way to go back. The NPCs are not there to choose a covenant, presumably because I’m stuck somewhere in the campaign before that phase.
When you pick between the two it says it is a permanent choice.
Feels bad.